

Great Lady episode 10
The next day king ordered his journal to find a prince and su le, then killed them. Because they both are traitors. prince killed his father. while the su father saves the traitor and provides a place to live in the village. Minister Mao meet the prince and told him all the story. That night when the late king was killed, King sent his servant and said to me king wanted to see me. King trusted me a lot. king said he is old now. Maybe he will die soon. so he decided to make you the king. Dishonest Zach was listening to our all talk secretly. So he informed the 2nd prince about all the matters.2nd prince got furious and he ran towards the king. why did he choose you not him? late King said he had already decided I have made up mind. I will not change my decision. In anger and greed of thorn, he attacked the king with his sword. while when I reached the moment I saw the king had already dead.2nd price was still there he threatened me and said to me you will declare in court that late king wanted to see 2nd prince as king.Otherwise he will kill my whole family. He ordered his special ninja guard to kill you so that in future no one will make trouble for him .When I came to know all about plan of 2nd prince.I wrote letter to Minister shao so that he succeeded to save you from killing. while when 2nd prince came to know you escaped. He declared in court you killed late king.so he said my younger brother is traitor ,killer and cruel.Then strat weeping forgive me prince I am useless I remain failed to save king.Prince said don't weep .Don't blame yourself. My brother will learn soon cruelty never lasts forever.
To be continued.......

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