

these words this mouth
These words fell off my tongue faster than I could honestly think them my mouth which has been known to slice and dice some few well deserved souls and maybe just a few undeserving as well still I hold no regret and do apologize when I messed but given chance again most would remain the same This mouth which will lure you in so fast it will make your head spin and before you know it you will be caught up in this whirlwind love affair but what remains after such forces of nature ripped through every inch of who or what you or I ever thought we were until we just disappear this mouse that will whisper sweetly to your heart just to snatch it straight from your chest and let you watch me dangle it and my fingers like my own puppet on a string This mouth that once spoke so kindly and uplifting just to see you smile now finds itself practicing in the mirror for the next emoji movie we got fingers crossed for crying uncontrollably or just become the new meThis mouth was once controlled and dare I say I was controlled is now dying to scream out for all to hear clear how lame you actually became and yet once again showed me that you're all the same which is really just a shame cuz the one to truly tame this piece shall be quite a beast My words will slither in your veins like a snake you will begin to shake loving every bite I make with every breath you take your heart Will begin to ache but it will be too late as you realize your mistake!
© GypsyRose80