

So you are leaving !!

You know..when you come back NEXT TIME... our elder one would be 7 and little one would be at the verge of having teeth. I would have few fine lines around my eyes, with all those sleepless lonely nights.

NEXT TIME when you come, our kitchen would have aroma of your favorite food. I will wear Saree- the orange one, remember, which you got me when I was pregnant with our first one. What a day that was, you made jokes on how chubby I looked :) Time just flew.

I want time to fly again.. fast, and reach to the day when you come and pin dalia garland into my hair and I blossom around you all day "Just to make you forget everything, even for a while, and will soak you in calm"

But then, I put hold to my thoughts, and ask myself ....Will there be a NEXT TIME ???

© Alfaaz_The Unleashed
#PoeticEra #poetrycommunity #soldiers #WritcoQuote #writco #countrylove