Title - "Smile is the Diamond of the Sky - Grin is the only curve that makes everything straight."
(narrative poem)
The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel...
My heart is light, my soul is free,
And all the world seems bright to me.
The smile upon my face, it lights the way,
Guiding me through life's busy fray.
It speaks of hope, of dreams yet to come,
Of joys that wait for me beneath the sun.
Oh, the smile on my face is so real,
A testament to the joys that I conceal,
My heart is light, my spirit is free,
And all the world shines bright for me.
Smiles, smiles, they're contagious,
They spread like wildfire, it's amazing.
So smile at everyone you meet,
And make the world a happier place, sweet.
In fields of green where wildflowers sway,
I've discovered a haven, a place to stay,
A spot where I can lay my head,
And let my heart sing, instead of dread.
I've found my place, I've found my way,
And I'm not lost anymore today.
I'm living life the way I choose,
And I'm grateful for all that I have.
The sun shines bright, the breeze is light,
Everything feels just right,
No more confusion or dismay,
I've found my path, come what may.
My feet no longer wander astray,
For here I am, in this perfect way,
With every step, I find my grace,
And leave behind my troubled trace.
The smile upon my lips is true,
It speaks of joy that's long pursued,
For in this place, I've finally found,
My heart's home, my...
(narrative poem)
The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel...
My heart is light, my soul is free,
And all the world seems bright to me.
The smile upon my face, it lights the way,
Guiding me through life's busy fray.
It speaks of hope, of dreams yet to come,
Of joys that wait for me beneath the sun.
Oh, the smile on my face is so real,
A testament to the joys that I conceal,
My heart is light, my spirit is free,
And all the world shines bright for me.
Smiles, smiles, they're contagious,
They spread like wildfire, it's amazing.
So smile at everyone you meet,
And make the world a happier place, sweet.
In fields of green where wildflowers sway,
I've discovered a haven, a place to stay,
A spot where I can lay my head,
And let my heart sing, instead of dread.
I've found my place, I've found my way,
And I'm not lost anymore today.
I'm living life the way I choose,
And I'm grateful for all that I have.
The sun shines bright, the breeze is light,
Everything feels just right,
No more confusion or dismay,
I've found my path, come what may.
My feet no longer wander astray,
For here I am, in this perfect way,
With every step, I find my grace,
And leave behind my troubled trace.
The smile upon my lips is true,
It speaks of joy that's long pursued,
For in this place, I've finally found,
My heart's home, my...