

Love is important
There was this handsome, romantic, intelligent and nice man. His name was Chunky. When anyone see him, they would fall in love with him on the spot.
There was something special about him that no one really notice. There was this girl at his school that he was in love with but she didn’t want to be in any relationship. Her name is Mel. Chunky try everything to make the girl love him but the girl wasn’t impress by what he does. Chunky realize that he was really in love with this girl and he would do anything to have this girl to himself. Before all of that Chunky didn’t want to be in a relationship with any girl or have anything to do with them. His reason was they took everything from him. Chunky lost his mother because the cook who was a woman poison the entire family food. Chunky was lucky he didn’t eat anything because he went out to help feed the community. Chunky mother was really important to him. She was the only friend he had. Chunky told his mother everything. Chunky got a phone call that his parents were in the hospital. When he went there the doctor told him that his parents were poison and they didn’t make it. Chunky was so mad and disappointed. He promises his self that he won’t love no woman because they are wicked and evil. He finally taught it was a good idea to go back to school so he did. The moment Chunky step into the school everyone eyes was on him. He wasn’t paying any attention to what was going on. He just wanted to pass his classes and get thought everything. Everything was going well until he notices that every girl in the school was falling in love with him. Even some of the teachers was in love with Chunky. A month go by then Chunky saw the only girl that wasn’t going crazy over him. So Chunky went over and said can I sit here and she said yes. He asks her why she wasn’t in love with him. She said I just want to focus on my schoolwork and make my parents proud. Chunky said that’s really good. Chunky ask her what your name is. She said my name is Mel and she ask what is your name. He said my name is Chunky. Mel said nice to meet you Chunky and he said same here. They started talking and they become best friends. Chunky was really impressed by the way Mel handle the situation and the way she loves school and want an education. Days go by and he notices every time he is around Mel, he started to have feelings for Mel. Chunky didn’t realizes that he was falling in love with Mel but instead of telling her he just ignored it. When he goes home and fall asleep, he realizes that he keeps having dreams about Mel. The way he holds her and the way they kiss the entire world come alive. The next day he brings a bouquet of roses to school. When everyone saw Chunky came in with the roses they were blushing. It was like when Chunky walks in a room the entire class stop and no one wants to continue to learn. When it’s lunch time Chunky was looking for Mel but she didn’t come to lunch yet. She finally came and Chunky had the most amazing smile on his face. When Chunky smile the entire world is happy. Mel walks over to where Chunky was sitting and Chunky said I have something for you. Chunky gave her the rose but she refused and said I don’t want it. Chunky said please take the roses. He said it would mean the world to me. Mel said sorry but I don’t want it and run out of the lunchroom because everyone was laughing at her and said why is a handsome guy want a nobody. Chunky was so mad so he throws away the roses and just went home. Chunky didn’t went back to school for days. He said to himself the one girl I want doesn’t want me. The next day Chunky went to school he was so broken he didn’t even have a smile on his face. Every time Mel sees Chunky, she would run away. Chunky was really heartbroken he didn’t want to talk to anyone. One day at school Mel saw Chunky come into the school she was walking over towards him. She was really nervous but she said to herself today is the day. When Chunky saw Mel coming over towards him, he was surprised, shocked and speechless.
Mel said hi Chunky. He just smiles and she said I want to talk to you. Mel said that I am really in love with you but I didn’t want to tell you about it. I didn’t want anyone to hurt me. Mel said I saw how man treat my mom and I just don’t want that to happen to me. Mel begins to cry. Chunky said what is wrong. She said you probably hate me now because I have been running away from you and don’t want to talk to you. She said I am really sorry and I would really love to be in a relationship with you if I haven’t blow my chance. Chunky smile and said you are the one I want and I don’t want anyone else. They both smile and look deep into each other eyes. Chunky hug Mel and they started kissing like they were the only two people alive in the world. It’s like when they kiss, they give life to the world. Some of the students was happy for them but the others were jealous as hell they actually did everything to break up Mel and Chunky relationship but they weren’t successful because Mel and Chunky relationship was really strong and no one in the world could separate them or so they taught. Mel got a letter that she was accepted into her dream school and she was really afraid to tell Chunky. She was really sad because she finally got the guy she always dreams of and now it is going to end so soon. Some girls overheard that Mel got into her dream college and they went and tell Chunky he was so mad. He couldn’t believe it so he went to ask Mel.
He said how could you do this to me. Mel said what did I do. Chunky slap Mel and her face and said don’t play dumb with me I know that you got into your dream college and that you are going to leave me. Mel started crying and I didn’t know I would get accepted to the college and I just got the news. I don’t want to leave you because you were the only guy that make me feel like I could be love. Chunky said you are just going to fucking leave me but I guess that’s how woman is just leave when the relationship gets serious. Chunky then said you have to go to your dream school I will wait on you if you don’t find another man. Mel said long distance relationship doesn’t work but Chunky said we will make it work. Chunky said you don’t want this relationship to work that’s why you don’t even want to try but it’s fucking alright. Mel said it’s not like I don’t want to try it’s that I don’t want to wait on me because I don’t want to be the reason you are sad. Chunky said right now you are pissing me off and you are going to let slap you again so if you don’t have anything good to say shut up. Mel said don’t fuck yourself with me I am not one of those girls who you can fuck with. I only let you slap me the first time because I had deserve it but try this shit with me again and see what I will do to you. They hug each other and kiss and said goodbye. The next day when Mel was supposed to leave, she refused to go but she remembered what Chunky told her so before she goes, she wrote Chunky a letter.
She wrote dear Chunky I am leaving today and I really don’t want to go but I want you to know that you were the best thing that ever happen to me. You gave me life when I didn’t wanted to live. You gave me hope when I had none. You love me when no one wanted to. I love you more than how I love myself. You are my hero. You will always be in my heart. I know things won’t be the same but you will always be my boyfriend even if you don’t love me anymore. I am writing this in tears in my eyes I didn’t want to have to do this but it’s over between us because I don’t want you to wait on me. Xoxoxoxo Mel. Mel went to Chunky home and leave the letter at the door and run off. When Chunky come out and saw the letter he was looking around to see if he saw anybody but he didn’t. He didn’t even sit down he open the letter immediately but when he started reading it tears come to his eyes. When he was done, he felt like someone stab him in his heart. He was so confused but he just rushes to the airport because he is saying he doesn’t want to lose the best thing that happen to him. When he got to the airport, he saw a man kissing Mel. Chunky was so shocked he didn’t know what to say for an hour. Chunky walk up to them and grab her but it turns out it was the wrong person. Chunky was so embarred so he just walks away.
As he was going to walk away Mel saw him and said Chunky what are you doing here. Chunky said I don’t want you to leave me. Mel said I don’t have a choice anymore so leave me alone. Chunky said this is how you are going to treat me after all I did for you. Mel said I never told you to love me because I was happy being invisible but you came and ruin my life so you didn’t do anything for me. Chunky said it’s alright you should have slap me in my face for caring for you. Chunky said what the fuck if you are playing with me stop it. Mel slaps him on his face and said do you think I am playing. Chunky said fine I will leave you alone. When chunky left and go home he was crying so hard that he passes out. When he gets back up, he promises himself that he will never going back to school again because I don’t need it. Chunky shut out everyone because he didn’t want to see or speak to anyone. Chunky would starve himself and he won’t shower because he said what’s the point of doing those things when the only person, I love left me. Couple months went by and Mel came home to spend time with her family and visit her old school. When Mel went to the school and she ask the students about Chunky. They said after you left, he stops coming to school. Mel said OMG! It’s all my fault. Chunky said he had enough of living so he started cutting himself until he didn’t stop till he kills himself. When Mel went to Chunky house, she realizes the door was open so she walks in and saw Chunky on the floor. Mel said this is all my fault and I will never forgive myself for it. Mel started screaming and said somebody help me no one come to help her. Mel said I don’t deserve to live so he tells everyone that she kills Chunky because he ruins my life and I wanted to take my revenge. Mel said anyone who come near me I will kill you but they didn’t believe so someone go near her and she kill the person and started laughing. Couple months go by everyone said Mel is insane and that no one should go close to her. She ends up killing herself because she didn’t want to live without Chunky anymore.

© Mellisa