

I work at a school as security guard, my job is the easiest I've ever had all I have to do is patrol the hallways, parking lot etc etc, oh and also make sure kids don't skip class or fight In school grounds, so before all this pandemic of the coronavirus came along my job was pretty much the same every day, I would go to the same campus from 8am to 4:30pm, but after spring break which is when all this pandemic started as all you may know things got different and we couldn't go back to school, so what our supervisor did after a couple months of being at home doing nothing, our supervisor and central made a decision to let a few employees of each campus to report to their campus and work from school, due to all this virtual thing going on, and us as security guards got sent to different campuses just we won't get bored at the same school I guess, mind you our school district is pretty average and has around thirty schools in the district, so they have plenty of schools to move us around until we start regular classes. So anyways back to my story my supervisor had sent me to an elementary so it was smaller than what I'm used to, due that I work at a middle school, so the elementary was small and I had finished walking it in like the first ten minutes I stepped foot on the premises, I'm going to call that campus Cantu elementary; I was going to be in the campus for the whole week, the first two days nothing special, what can go wrong if there's no one on campus just a few front office people, so all I had to do to kill time was walk the campus over and over again, so Wednesday comes along and I'm patrolling the halls minding my own business as always when I see a room light up, someone had turn the lights but no one was there, which I didn't get scared knowing that maybe. it had those sensor light that turn on with movement or that's what I wanted to think, So a few hours pass and I decide to walk outside the premises of the school and get some natural wind, I was walking outside the rooms and I knew they were rooms because they had windows that would let me see in the inside, when all of a sudden I see a light turn on again and it was the same room as earlier and I knew that because it had the teachers name on the outside and inside of the class. I get my face close to the window trying to see who was there because, I had heard some voices when I saw one of the scariest thing I. my life, I saw two little girls sitting on the students desk talking to each other, they both had black hair and pale white skin and they both had a white dress, I could not see their faces tho because they were looking at each other talking, when both finally turned at the same damn time, they had black eye balls and one of the creepiest smile I've ever seen I left running to the front office and called my supervisor letting him know I was going home for the day, and thanks God he moved me from that campus and I hope I never get sent there again.