

"It's a girl! "
The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on the woman's chest.
She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour. Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.
She had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter. What would her husband and in-laws do to her now?
The wails of her child went mute in her eyes, her heart was racing like a brand new sport car, even if you are deaf you wouldn't fail to notice her heart beat loud as gong.she was brought back to her senses by the tap on her shoulder.
Miss are you alright? it's now when she realised that all along her baby was crying ,it's only now that the place reeks of alcohol, its only now that those squeaking sound of the nurse shoes irritated her ears.She doesn't want the baby again but notion of living it behind makes her to cry.
Her husband had promised to kill her with her baby if it's not a boy.As a great king he is he needs an heir giving birth to another girl is beyond tolerance. Isn't God who give the gift of a child ,why does he have to blame me, there is no way this thing will be accepted. Mary thoughts were overflowing with unanswered questions.
Miss ;why don't you breastfeed your baby. Mary looked at the baby in her arms and rage filled her eyes, I don't want a baby girl I want a boy.
Eighteen years later john was coming from his lecture class when he bumped on someone and his books dispersed on the floor, when he squatted to pick them his eyes astonishing met with a replica of his own, he never new he was going to meet someone who was a duplicate of him same height same face and Identical.
They were both surprised by their identical nature.Sorry; John said .
call me Dave,his replica said. They walked along trying to understand each other.
They became friends, and their connection went beyond boundaries.One evening Jonh received a phone call from her mother requesting to go back home, wondering what might have happened to call the alarm. Dave being the closest person to John from school asked to escort him .Everyone had believed they were twins but they would deny.
As Mary awaited his son,she never new what was lurking on her way,as John and dave alighted from the car everyone got amazed by the two sights in front of them not differentiating them.
The reason for dave to be called back was because his father wanted to ordain him as his successor .Fear started creeping on Mary's nerves, she knew what she did eighteen years down the line was to uncover one day but not in search a state.
she had given her daughter in exchange for a baby boy. she didn't think that that
the child she took had a brother. John wanting to know how someone could be as identical as him and not be his brother or twin.
When the king saw the faces of the twins he got a stroke and was admitted, Mary having witnessed the beginning of her end had no option but to vividly narrate her story. She made a deal with her doctor to exchange her baby girl with a son that day to save herself from trouble, now that the truth is out she felt empty and void,the burden she'd carried all those years,she felt more void by the thought of her daughter.
She had to await her punishment for lying to the king. The king sermons her presence and she already knew what awaited her,such kind of sin deserve death.
She walked slowly like a zombie creeping for blood,but to her surprise the king wasn't in a bad mood as expected. I want my son to take over the throne, the king said ;He knew right from the start John wasn't his son but since there was nothing that connected them and since an heir is all he wanted he chose to accept John as his blood and lived on.

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