

Over you
#WriteStoryPrompt50 #InternationalYogaDay
Write a story on how yoga helps to heal your mind, body, soul and connects people with nature.

"and lower and lower and ow ow ow!!"
Mara straightened up from her stretch. With a scowl on her face, she glared at the flowery yoga mat as if blaming it for her inability to do a simple stretch.
"You gotta continue girlfriend" her best friend Fey whispered
"okay first you sound weird I don't know why you're trying to imitate a fairy second I'm just not cut out for this, I mean look at you, you're a human pretzel"

"So now?"

"well I quit" she muttered the last part but Fey heard

"As your doctor and friend yoga is advisable to help you"

"oh please how's yoga gonna help me get over the fact that my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend"
Fey turned her head in an angle Mara didn't know was even human to glare at her
Mara choked on her saliva but corrected herself "I mean my not best friend"
Fey rolled her eyes but thankfully turned her head away.
"It might not heal a broken heart but it will help you get inner peace"

"right" mara said drily "we're all quoting kung fu panda"

"it has nothing to do with...you know what just forget it"

mara's face brightened "I don't have to do yoga anymore?"
"Of course you do" Fey snapped "the clinic got a new instructor, I know you said the last one gave you the creeps, no excuses from you this time okay"
"fun sucker"
"I said yup...mother"

"hummm Inner peaceee Inner peaceeee before the battle of the fists come the battle of the mind...everybody loves kung-fu fightiiing"Mara had on a serious expression, she sat cross-legged, eyes closed in what she hoped looked like a meditation. Wondering if she looked half as good as the other skimpy dressed women.

" Everybody loves kung-fu but I'm afraid this is the yoga class"
Mara opened her eyes with a jolt she was about to curse at the person for frightening her when her words stuck in her throat. The man's face was sinfully crafted. It screamed look at me and think bad thoughts. And that voice...but he seemed to have this innocent vibe. she almost felt like a pervert taking advantage of an innocent kid.

The man had a polite smile on his face when he whispered "miss...you're drooling"
Mara's mouth snapped close like a fly trap. She shifted awkwardly to notice the more than half of the class were shooting daggers at her. She shivered. Wolves. Rabid pervert wolves. Suddenly she pitied the man for being too hot for his good.

The class began and just as she predicted several skimpily dressed women suddenly couldn't do the poses or accidentally fell on the instructor. Or worst of all got cramps that the instructor had to massage or they'll 'die' of the pain.

Thankfully they kept the instructor busy long enough to not notice that she barely moved an inch till the end of the two-hour session.

As she picked her bag to leave a deep voice called out "Mara D!"

Mara spun around to cast a questioning glance at the instructor "Yeah?"

he got to her and smile "Fey told me about you"

Mara glanced at him wearily "oh did she now?"

"yeah she said you requested for personal coaching"

cough cough cough

Mara choked on her saliva.
She glared at the floor
If she denies the man will think Fey is a liar but...
She doesn't want to spend time, alone with this hunk...not right after a messy breakup.
"yeah, when will you be available?"

"hmm today is fine, but we can't do it here, a new class will be using this room now"
Mara feigned sadness "oh such a shame"
he continued "so, my house or your house?"
Mara choked again

Mara handed him the grey yoga mat that Fey used whenever she visited her.
he took his phone and played a song. It was slow, soft like someone just lightly stroking the string of a guitar in a repeated pattern.
"Sit cross-legged"
she did just that. actually that was all she could do in terms of yoga...or flexibility in total.
"close your eyes, relax, and just...listen"
Mara's mouth twitched. is she being hypnotised? What's with the 'calming' speech? Nevertheless she did as was told.

First she listened the song was still playing softly in the background. repeatedly, like a lullaby. she unconsciously relaxed. she remembered Tom her ex boyfriend.
'he doesn't deserve someone as kind or sweet as you'
she felt her subconscious whisper
she remembered her former best friend Ivy
'like her name she is poison, pretty on the outside lethal on the inside'
Over head a small bird chirped, it brought the thoughts if spring and sunshine to her, she felt so calm it was like she was floating on air
'why should I bother with thoughts of them. It will only make me bitter, forgive forget and live better'

'happiness; busy bringing you peace like a protective bubble, so that even when in pain u oddly find something to smile about

Cosy sadness like a warm cocoon shielding you from the world, from the warm light of the sun. Till you turn pale and become barely a shadow of life.
So embrace happiness while it can still be found'

Mara opened her eyes with a start. she looked around the day was bright. Beside her bed was Fey. She was dressed for work and had a cup of what smelled like coffee as she stared at her
"Bryan told me you slept off during your private yoga session"
"huh?...for how long?"
"today is tomorrow, why don't you guess how long"

Mara held her aching head "forget it I have yoga classes today"

She stood up from the bed

"Bryan's gone" Fey announced
Mara halted. for a second her fingers shook. she calmed herself to ask "to where?"
Fey shrugged "I dunno... wherever he came from?"


Several weeks later Mara held two shopping bags in each hand as she walked to her car. Her phone was placed between her cheek and her shoulder
"no I couldn't buy the ingredients for lasagna, yeah yeah whatever oomph"

she raised her head to hurriedly apologise to the person she bumped into "So so sor...Bryan"
The man bent to retrieve her phone the screen was slightly cracked but it was still working. the call had disconnected.

"long time no see Mara" that familiar deep voice answered, he gestured to her bags "let me help you with those"

at her car he glanced at her with a smile "perhaps we can get coffee sometime we have a lot to talk about"

"we do?"

he gave her a dashing smile that froze her in place "we do"

© MH17Angel