

The Friend
Once there was a kite who would cry his heart out because he saw other kites fly high in the sky. His desire to fly high like the other kites became stronger along with his sadness. The kite never knew how to fly, until the string came to help him.

The string said I'll help you fly as high as you want but be my friend always, do not forget about me. The kite said yes he will not forget his friend. When the string helped him to reach high in the sky the kite flew. He became happy and even happier and he wanted to fly higher and higher.

As the string helped him get higher and higher the kite forgot that it was his friend string who was helping him reach higher. The kite desired to go even higher but he forgot he was losing contact to his friend.

Down the string was trying to be strong enough to help his friend reach higher but the desire of the kite was very strong and he thought he can go even higher without anyone's help and he completely forgot about his friend. Being so desirous and ambitious made him go so high that it separated from the string. He was free and ego was driving it to go even higher. But he forgot he can't last longer in the sky. His friend was gone and so he was only for short time in the sky.