

Death Scandal (Part One)
Riyaz's gaze at the man sitting in front of him, is still. That gaze is filled with questions, filled with intense fear. However, the unknown man seems normal. He is sitting on a footstool just next to the bed.

The clock is saying that it is twelve forty, a quiet noiseless midnight. Only the windows are letting light from the dim lightposts come inside, turning it bluish with the curtains that cover it. In that light, a face, a person is visible, clearly visible in front of Riyaz.

Riyaz got up on his bed.
"Osman?" He questioned the unknown with a fearful trembling voice.
"Yes Brother?" Osman answered simply.
"You? What are you doing here?"
"You can see that well brother. Sitting in this beautiful environment of the night."
Osman's simple answers reached Riyaz's spine. How can this happen? It was just today that he had killed Osman in his own hands, and.... there can't be any mistakes. He had shot him, checked if he died, and then burnt the body into ashes. How come that same person be sitting in front of him now?

(Story to be continued: Scheduled to come after three hours)

Written by: Myself (Rubayat Ali)
Date: 3rd November, 2020
© RAli