

Late Night Talk
Have you ever just laid in bed and wondered what life would be like had you just done that one thing different? What if when he left me, i didn't take him back? Would I have.my kids now? Would I have finished school? Went to college? What if I had chose the one who wanted me as teenagers? Would I still be with him today? Would we of had kids? What if I did move in with my dad? Though he's gone now, would he be proud of me? Of what I could have accomplished? The point is life is full of "What ifs". What if I miss this one day? What if this happened? Or that? What if. What if. What if. instead of focusing on the "What If's" focus on the I cans. I can still go to college. I csn still make my daddy proud. I can.
I can.
I can.
I can still love unconditionally. I can still laugh when I am happy. I can still acomplish those things I want to.
My support system is small. But I know who I have in my circle will ALWAYS support who I am. Who I am trying to be. Who I want to be. Where I will go. Life doesn't habe to be just "What if". It can be "I can". And as soon as you start seeing it as "I can accomplish this." instead of "What if I did this" The happier you will seem.
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