

At the End of the Tunnel.
Most of the time you feel there's something
that pulls you back.Maybe it's your consciousness,your doubts,your negative
thoughts and your lack of dedication
that pulls you back.

Stop your negative thoughts and doubts
but most importantly stop the lack of
dedication to your work;dreams and
goals.stop feeling pity for yourself and
stop feeling guilty about your past
or your background.

Start to trust in God and believe you can.
Start to put your plans in motion because
they say,"Actions speak louder than words".
Start to show your dreams and goals because
you dreamed enough when you were
still young and at school.

At the End of the tunnel,there will be
happiness,success,courage. you will see
the Results of your hard work. You will be
someone that you wished you could be.
There will be Celebrations,Joy,Great
Results. "Never Give Up",at the End
of the tunnel there's Peace.

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