

Kindness- First step to Friendship
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge and see the sunset. I still remember that day when our whole family was enjoying the sunset at the edge of the river and suddenly I saw a boy drowning in the mid of the river. Luckily my father was a good swimmer and he somehow managed to bring the boy out of the river. After sometime he regained sense and he explained how he fell into this situation. He said that there was a flood in their village which destroyed all the mud houses and took away with it many of the animals and even some people and he is one of them. After listening to his heart-rendering story, we all decided to send the small boy his home and somehow we succeeded also. After reaching his home he wrote a letter to us telling that he is very happy reaching his home and thanked us for helping him. He even wrote that we are so kind. And he mentioned that in this fake world he is lucky to have met with some kind people like us. He told that he would love to meet us once again. And there grew a strong relation between both the families.
© divi