

Bastards of Your Own Mind

I insist the point again to work on your psychological resistance against suffering. That is your leakage, non-acceptance, the reason for your suffering to persist.
You qualify to end suffering if you have the power and understanding to end your game of happiness also. Nobody ever says that how long I should keep feeling happy? Is there no end to it?
But for suffering we rush to gurus and internet to find solutions.
You have to swallow the bitter pill of suffering. It is as important as the honey of happiness.

We prolong suffering by being in it but not really experiencing it as it is. We judge life, complain and try to hide from it. You have to see that if there is no suffering there is no happiness. When there is day the night is there on the other side of the earth coming your way.
The most powerful spiritual path is to welcome suffering along with happiness. Then your fear of life disappears.
Don't think you are afraid of suffering. It’s not because of it. You are afraid of life- the worst cancer in our psyche.
Everybody is moving in life in one way or the other trying to avoid the suffering or glorifying it....