

Fake friends
Blood dripping down to the floor. The already dim light continuously flickers in the empty room. A sound of whimpering echoes as the sounds of scratching wanders through the room. You cower in the middle of the room right under the light, curled up in a ball and with your eyes shut tightly, wishing this were over. Suddenly the scratching stops. You slowly look up hoping it's all over now. You wait for a while for a sound to be heard, but nothing. So you make your way to one of the walls, till suddenly you hear laughter. The laughter haunts you back to the middle and back to a curled up ball. The laughter keeps getting louder and louder. You cover your eyes in hope it would muffle the sounds, but to no success. After what felt like an eternity, you finally shouted out: "Leave me alone! Just leave me alone!" But the laughter just keeps getting louder. Your crys get more intense and you shout out even louder, over and over again, begging them to stop. Then suddenly. Silence. Absolute silence. The laughter just disappeared into thin air. But just when you thought this was all over, the light starts flickering faster than usual and the blood that has been dripping down the whole time now runs down like a bloody waterfall. You gasp at what's happening and get up as the blood covers the whole floor. You start panicking, not knowing what to do. You look around to look for a hidden door or something, but nothing. For you there is no escape. The blood level is rising and the lights grow darker by each minute. After a while you start having to swim in the thick and warm blood. In despair you start crying, because you know this is the end of you. So you yet again just close your eyes and take a few breaths and let go. You let go of all hope of surviving. You let go of the will to live on. Now you stay float in the room of blood and slowly drop to the bottom. Your air bubbles reach the surface and the blood reaches the lamp. The lamp goes dark. Everything is dark now. Your life has ended and that all just because of those selfish people. Because of those selfish people that call yourself friends. They hurt you over and over again drowning you in their historical laughter. Hurting you with their words. They hurt you so bad, that you start hurting yourself. It all starting with scratching and a little cutting, but in the end it was not enough. You knew this was wrong and you kept screaming for help, but nobody heard you. Your hope started flickering away until, it completely vanished. So you ended your suffering. Because those people were so selfish as to call them your friends.

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