

It's love or hate (chapter 6)

At home when all reached all choose their respective rooms,all choosed the ground floor but Kunal who always like to be alone choose the first floor with an varandah attached to his room;

as Rahul is in confusion and he wants to know the reason of those words that why he said these words;
then Rahul went to Kunal's room,when he reached at Kunal's room he saw that Kunal is unpacking his bag;

Kunal feels that someone is at the door and when turned he saw Rahul,he asked Rahul to come inside, Rahul came inside and without any indirect talks,he asked Kunal," Kunal I want to ask you some thing"

"yeah you can ask"

"why you said those words for her,we know that you love her but then wh...... "before he could complete his sentence kunal stopped him and said,"stop it! what rubbish you are talking?"

for that Rahul shouted at him,"oh,now her talks became rubbish to you,why?,Kunal I know very well you will not tell anything to anyone, but I want to know ,tell me Kunal, tell me"

"what you want to know,that I love her a lot or you want to know that my life is playing with me again",said Kunal;
"what?, what do you mean?"said Rahul,
"you came to know many things and now it's enough"said Kunal angrily;
"but Kunal....."
"the doors is open you can go now"said Kunal;
as Rahul has many questions to ask but now he wished to go and he came out......

To be continue...........

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