

Whispera of Time – Chapter 3 – Preparations for evil

The day's news excited her. The Garren members had just initiated a revolt against their leader. Their action was a result of broken promises, and the last scene came with the departure of the traitor, which satisfied them for a while. Now, completely destabilized and crying for help, they want another leader. They risked remaining exposed for too long, becoming an easy target. Anyone thinking of repressing them shouldn't let them to be free. She has no interest for it, not now. Her plans had different aims and not meet with their thrist for wealth. She keeps her own ideals and doesn't fight over them. She only expected to follow the path to the truth.A starting point has showed in front of her and she'll examinate it upside-down. First, she left the clan building, heading towards the city exist. She lost her traces through the trees, bothering the leaves carried by the wind. She felt the autumn invading her and touching her soul, giving it a moment to rest. The soul will withdraw someday, after the mission will be completed. Already tired, she was bothered by situations and now she's trying to have a ball, just a bit. Since she entered the forest, there had been any sign from Garren's members, which gave her rage. She doubted all information she reveived, fiinding herself being moking. Still, she wondered if she doesn't sabotaging herself. The only way was to jump into the monster's mouth, if she wasn't already there. Even though, her next stop was the mansion. She ran towards the unguarded back entrance, opening the small gate with a creak, hiding in the bushes at the sound of footsteps. She had no intention of announcing her presence. She took a breath and exhaled calmly and sneaked in with caution. The long hallways covered in blue and silver, with bright chandeliers and familiar painting, conveyed a feeling of safety, passing by rows of rooms. She could be sure that these are the same, even though she doesn't open them. Her walk stopped in front of her office, opening the door silently. The room was invaded by the moonlight. Shelves filled with old books, two armchairs near the window, were hiding. The moonlight spilled over the desk, touching the carpet in the middle. She stood in the darkness, away from the light. She graped a candle from the shelf and lit it with a match. Now the place seemed more alive, and she was delighted, but not for a lot of time. She let the candle slip from her fingers, feeding the fire. A small flame ate the carpet but spread towards the desk, shelves, and chairs. The way it consumed things calmed her, forgetting the world around her. She wouldn't leave. She would let herself be swalloed by the flame for at least a moment, but it would be too simple. Before leaving, she glanced back, running outside. The smoke spread in the air faster than the fire, invading her nose.

The walls seemed to stand in her way. The floor slowed her down, moving like a conveyor belt, going backward. She felt dizzy and wished she could endure a bit more, but it was too late. She fell with a loud noise, suffocated, on the hard surface, unconscious. Someone's voice echoed in her ears, ordering her not to cat foolish . She would shout at they, asking to sleep five more minutes, but she wouldn't escape that easily.

–Mey, don't sleep! Please! Don't scare me like that!

Jasmine, exasperated, slightly panicked, took control of the body. The next move was to revive her like a magic trick, a fulfilled fact. Mey hated it intensely when the ghost acts like this. But now she can't scold her.

–Wh-why am I trembling?

–I helped you recover, what's the big deal!

—What did you do?!

Mey was extremely furious. Her nerves were stretched. She was waiting for an answer. Jasmine refused to spill an extra word. The ghost did it only when she was about to burst into laughter.

–Jasmine, are you crazy?

—No, but it's better, not to leave you dead.

–You're impossible!

– Not even to admit...

–Oh, whatever! Fine! I did it!

–Much better!

Together they headed towards their next goal on their list. In a remote area, the factory rose to the sky with its remains. They decided to inspect the dark-shrouded place, slightly disturbed by the flashlight. Mey meticulously examined every corner, while Jasmine near to her. She held her arm with her ghostly hands, which surprised her.

–What happened?

–N-nothing! I just don't like it here, that's all!

She stammered, trying to hide her weakness. She hated and felt a strange fear related to the darkness, despite it being her natural habitat.

–Are you sure there's nothing else?

– Maybe...Maybe it wasn't a brilliant idea to come here, what do you say? Ha! Ha!

–Hmm, I don't know, but I found something.

She picked up a piece of material from the ground and placed it under the flashlight. The emblem of her clan was sewn on one side, and on the other side was another clan's emblem. She suspected it belonged to Leon, but she feared the afirmation was wrong. The material had been torn recently, which intrigued her. She decided to throw it somewhere, not to see it anymore, but she stuffed it into her pocket. A shrill sound made her attention to move elsewhere. A ladder detached from the ceiling was cutting the air in her direction, pushed by someone. The face wasn't noticeable, but the culprit wasn't hard to guess. She avoided the ladder by a millimeter, running, then chasing the attacker. Only one name echoed in her mind, and she doubted the truth as clear as water.

She left the factory. She risked losing his trace, but she didn't give up hope. Under the moonlight, in the forest, she managed to lure him where she wanted. She grabbed him strongly from behind, revealing his unmistakable face.

–Leon! I'm so glad to see you again!

–I just happened to be passing by! Did you find what you were looking for?

–More than that!

–I'm eager, but it would be easier if you let me go.

–No need, it's perfect like this, isn't it? You're a traitor!

–You're right, kill me. Do it!

Mey held the gun against Leon's temple. Her hand trembled involuntarily, sensing that she was at a dead end. She didn't understand what held her back from killing him. He is a traitor; what warmth did he bring her? Lies, cunning, false information, the rest didn't matter.

–Why?! Why?! She screamed in despair, accompanied by a fear from him.

–Does my existence matter? In the end, I lost.

–Maybe for someone, right? So why choose the wrong path?

–No, it's what you find, what is offered to you.

–And you accept anything? That's not good.

–I don't do anything for myself. I'm just trying not to lose anyone dear.

–Does the exchange affect you?

–Yes, and I promised them I would bring something in return.

–Now it's too late, I can't help you.

–I understand.

Mey pulls the trigger. The sound spreads around, disturbing the silence..

© BlairAmy
#story #writcostory #fantasy #mystery #betrayed #fire #thriller #humor