

STUDENTS: If god has written everything in our fate then why can't we blame god for something bad?? Or if everything is written why we still have to think on it? Why we still face betrayals and multiple failures...

TEACHER: If god has written every incident, failure, betrayal,good,bad, people you meet,every work u do etc..then why god has given u BRAIN....

STUDENTS: Sir we still didn't understand...

TEACHER: Let me explain with an example...
If u r on a road which on its right side has beautiful flowers and gardens and on the left side has deserted land with no flowers or gardens...
Here its your choice which one will u choose and walk...nd result will b either good or bad..it depends which road u choose...
In the same way god has written that on some stage of life u will stand on this road but god also gave brain to find the right way...