

Searching for a life companion

I have been searching for a life companion for so long.
The world taught me that material things are a real companion in this life, and I went for it, but it failed me.
The world equally proposed popularity and friendship with fellow humans as an ideal life companion. However, I went for that, but It failed me such that I ended up disappointed, disheartened, miserable and broken. I thought life might be more to this and I didn't give up on myself and life. And I kept searching.
An adorable life icon adviced me to pursue Knowledge, for that is the real life companion that will not only offer me self satisfaction, but will give me both admiration, fame and power. I tried, but realized though it is good, it doesn't still give me fulfilment. I said I can't give up as long as I am living.
Then, someone proposed religion to me. I tried to follow the rituals of religion, and discovered that it wasn't really giving me the companionship I need. I still moved on searching to find my real companion with hope to find since I kept feeling it should be existing.
one day, I stood still in silence and solitude pondering on who really I am, and a gentle voice come up from within proposing to be my companion, to accompany me always, to guide and lead me. I gave this voice time, and this voice spoke to my innermost being and revealed myself and life to me. And Since I encounter this voice of the one who speaks to my heart, I have never been lost. This voice led me to see meaning in material things, friendship, knowledge, religion and life.
Now, I discovered that all I was looking for without is within me. And since I found Him, I discovered He was the real companion because until I got this voice, life had no meaning, no fulfilment, no peace, no joy nor happiness. With this silence companion within, life's mystery is unveiled.
Such is our encounter with God. without God, all other things are nothing. With God, every other reality finds meaning. And so, if we have got God, we have all we could ever need for life; without him, life has not meaning at all.

Veronica Nsam
Calasanzian Sister