

My name is Agnes Kelly,but my maiden name is Pretty.The name I wish I had because I am unique and special.
Jokingly in school my friends call me Pretty angel but my parents call me Agnes named after my paternal grandmother Agnes Benedict,she was an activist and ambassador of human right and women empowerment in her lifetime,at least she died hapily.
" Dear,coincidentally you are born that fateful day she gave up the ghost,which gave every touchable life a wound that cannot be heal for many years even for us too it aches our heart,she will at least be 70 years this year,"said my mother".
Wow! that is great mum,was that the reason I was named after her? just to remember her?
come on! she snapped,you took her resemblance when she was young, let me show you some pictures of hers.
Really? I will like to see how she looks,why did you keep the pictures away for so long? you should at least have hang it at every corner of your room.
lol! my daughter is becoming wise as you will clocking 14years next month,I had been waiting for a day like this when you will be wise enough to ask question and know about our life time.Anyway bring those pictures.I move to the direction where it was kept to take the pictures.just move closer to see what am saying
okay mum! I look through all the pictures one after the other and actually she was right.she is a carbon copy of me,her eye color is brown,she had a brown long curly hair,one more things described us together again,she loves to wear T- shirt and trouser as seen in most of her old pictures,you are right mum..
I'm missing dad right now,he hardly have enough time to talk to me like this,Tina and Mercy do Talk about their parents,how they do have enough time to play with them and talk with them,I am always sad even when their father bring them to school,you are the only one there for me,you are the only one I love,I don't like dad much no impact of father role.
keep shut Agnes! she said and slap me,that is my mother for you she is such a disciplinarian,you don't talk I'll of her husband,her eyes will rage like fire and she does everything to defend her husband even before the family member.Am sorry Agnes I don't meant to do that ( she drew me closer to her arm).
you see my dear,you don't talk of your dad like that,he loves you so much that is why he make me resign from office to take care of you,he is the breadwinner of the family,he has gone out to work so that he will provide for the need of the family,he pays your school fee and bought gift for you many times,even guess what?
What's that mum?you know am not good at that..
well,he is planning something big for your upcoming birthday which I must keep as a secret until the day comes,I think by now you should be sorry for making such statement against your father or do you want me to tell him?
No mum am very sorry,I promise I will always share equal love between you two,I will never repeat such again I love you both ( I said as she nodded in agreement and walk out to attend to some other things.
I felt some happiness within me then I ask myself,who am I ? what makes me special?what make me unique in time I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder.
Oh dad! it's you,welcome back home,I gave him a tight hug,dad I love you.
Agnes baby I love you too,I have been somewhere around the house and I overheard your conversation with your mum,but know that I care for you,I don't want you to lack anything and I promise to make it up to you again.... next loading

© miracleolubunmicreative writing