

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter seven
Well Claud and Greg go down stairs and pick their bedrooms then run back up and Claud says I want the front one it's far out and Greg say I love the back one plenty of privacy awesome. Ok kids and Clem let's get unloading the truck. You need to turn it around Clem and back it up to the front door ok . As dad was doing that some people came up there was a few of them a couple women and some kids . Hello we live accross the street I'm Laura one says and this is Arty my oldest son and Michelle my oldest daughter this is Joe my middle son and Johnny my youngest son , and this is Tina and Tanya my youngest daughters . I'm Gloria and this is Fred my oldest son Georgetta , oldest daughter , Sarah , my middle daughter and William ,my youngest son ,and Brenda my youngest daughter . And I am Walter I live on the next road and this is my brother Leon . We were just wondering if you need some help we can all work together and get this truck unloaded before dark ok. Sure thanks momma said . I am Mildred This is Clem my husband ,Claud our oldest , Margie our next , Greg ,Clyde , Robbie ,And Nancy our youngest . Well let me and Clem get up in the truck and we will hand things down and tell you where they go and just set stuff in the rooms for now ok . Stove in kitchen , refrigerator ,kitchen , Chair livingroom , we need two stronge people here's the couch in the livingroom twin mattress front bedroom another twin mattress goes to the same room . full size mattress end of the hall front bedroom . Box springs same room. Full mattress end of the hall back bedroom .Box spring same room . Twin mattress downstairs back bedroom box spring same . Twin mattress and box spring down stairs front bedroom four bunk bed frames pieces first bedroom up front springs , and another these go in the same room. head board and foot board rails down the hall front bedroom . Same down the hall back bedroom. my chest down the hall back bedroom please. dresser same room here's the mirror to it . chest and another down the hall front bedroom. thank you momma says . Some more chest first bedroom with both of them ok. dresser downstairs front bed room . Dresser downstairs back bedroom boys .kitchen table and chairs ok . end tables and Boxes and other stuff just stack where you can please and we will get them . ok people that's it we did it . Thank you to all of you we appreciate your help with this. kids tell the neighbors thanks . Want don't we go in and find the coffee pot and make some coffee and take a break .
© Little Girl Lost 2020

© Lost Little Girls Smile!