

Rise Above
With the current state of affairs regarding politics, the environment, global warming, and the pandemic it makes the stories of my strange life as small as a grain of sand on the beach. Yet with my very old Traumatic Brain Injury I know that I may be unable to communicate effectively on any given day. Consequently, I must push on or some of the work I am here to do may not get done.

I was unfortunate at a very early age, to have an alcoholic, abusive stepparent for several years. There was a natural instinct then as a young child, to accept whatever came my way, regardless of how wrong or hurtful it was.
There's an old Pyschologically based saying, that tells us that what we dislike most in others usually stems from what we dislike most about ourselves. This of course is something none of us want to hear when criticizing another, regardless it is more often than not true.

I didn't figure out how to read a map until I was in my late 30's. I wasn't in possession of enough strength of character to enjoy time alone, until I was in my late 40's. My late 50's have represented a shift in my character to begin seeing the benefits of every situation in my odd life. I am forever grateful for all the wondrous lessons I have learned along the way, and am so very grateful to have the opportunity to learn, share and enjoy myself today.
It's a delicate balance in oneself, to allow for relaxation if we were not taught this vital skill as a child. It takes at least as many years of mindfully practicing certain thought processes and behaviors, as the number of years it took of unwillingly practicing the opposite at the hands of others who were charged with our care and nurturing. I know I will be mindfully practicing the rest of my life as long as I am able.
It has taken so much strength that I never knew I had, an enormous amount of diligence, and bravery that I never thought I could possess, to unlearn so many self destructive ways. Now, I am happy to take these tasks head on.
No matter your social standing, no matter your economic status, or your age, your skin color, your background, your religious preferences, and cultural norms, if you are at least a bit determined to be a better human being and for no other reason than to do what it is that you are here to do...you must accept the challenge. It is, at the very least your only salvation to become who you were or are meant to be.
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