

Art Thou's Soul Light as The Feather, or Aren't Thys Heart too Heavy to Fly?
Ohh..., how heavely filled of ones own lead, sulfuric thoughts, and opinions upon onesself. Must ones selfloathing heart be filled before it's to tip the firm, unwavering judgement thats Anubis and justice of his golden scale. Giving rise to the feather of Ma'at, and yet, all while thou's lead burdened heart sinks ever closer to the jaws of Ammut. This feather within itself being to most certainly already heavily burdend by the judgements of the forty-two laws of Ma'at carried in each and every feather in her wings. Of which it's only her weight to bare for, whom it's she who bestowed these laws upon humanity. These laws consisting of the actions being which one shouldn't ever think for one to enact upon another.
Any one judgement to be accompanied with an increased weight, for which, one might think being to great for ones heart to bare. Let alone for a bird feather to bare, yet being a feather from the grand and elligant wings of Ma'at this is no ordinary feather. Thus, thou must maintain a kind of blissful, carefree, childlike ignorance in trust giving weightlessness in order for one to soar. With heart as one of the feathers within Ma'ats 'just' wings. No heavier for scaled weight if it being your heart. Ma'at if such escourts you pass Nut into the clouds, and you'll look to see Peter nodding in acceptance as he leads you past the golden shinning rays of light looking like two great golden gates, passing safely through the river Styx, into atoms cosmos to be with him that's all names and one, Atum.
© PonderingCemantixbyC.M.Anderson