

The greedy king
Once upon a time there lived a drawing master named Andrew.While he was sleeping had a dream that a man giving him a magical pen which can bring what he can draw into life.As soon as he woke up from the dream he had the stick in his hand.

He started drawing a legion and it got life and he started many things.This news went to the ears of a rich man.The rich man called Andrew and said him to draw many things.But Andrew refused.So the rich man trapped Andrew in a room.

There was a window in the room.Andrew drew a ladder and escaped through the window.

He lived happily for some months.

This information went to the years of the king of the city.The king called him to draw some pictures.Andrew went to the kingdom.The king was greedy and asked him to draw a treasure.Instead, he drew an island sorrounded by seas.The king asked why he drew an island.Andrew said that he drew it in the island.He drew a boat also in it and said the king to board in it.The king boarded with three soldiers in the boat.

The boat started moving slowly.The king said Andre to draw some more air in it to move fast.Instead Andrew drew a storm.The king and the soldiers drowned in the sea and died.

Moral:We should not be greedy