

the singer complete
I found her page by accident. I was looking for the hymn, it's well with my soul. I found her cover of it. She had a beautiful voice. She sang all the verses. I wanted to hear her other songs. I did not realize that she predominantly sang contemporary praise songs and c.c.m. my church was king James' only independent fundamental baptist. We were not against newer songs but did sing from a hymn book with piano accompaniment. I liked her voice. I ended up listening to several of her songs.
After a while, I decided to stop. At my church several young ladies minister in songs. At my college, we had ladies' groups who sang at supporting churches. We did not believe women should preach or speak in church but the signing was permitted. It was a fine line. We were careful about who sang in services.
I had not planned to listen to her music again. I liked it but I just did not think I had any reason to. I turned off the lab top and went into my room.
- I saw that he had liked several of my songs. I liked to see who was following me. I checked his profile. his screen name was pastorg2257. He said he pastored gospel baptist church. He was a widower. He linked sermons, church services, events, commentary, and family events. He loved his kids. One was a video of a water gun war.
I watched one of his messages. It was pretty good. I could see that he was king James only I.f.b. he believed in separation but it was good. My dad knew about the church. He did not know pastor grant but knew of him and knew the church.
I decided to reach out to him. "Hello, I am Nicole. I am glad you like my videos. i am sorry for our loss. I am so glad you keep going. " I wrote.
A week went by. I did not hear anything. I figured I would not. I was hoping that he would contact me again. There was silence. I kind of moved on.
- I got an email notification saying that I had got a direct message on youtube. On occasion, we got messages from people interested in our church. I felt I should check it.
- I was shocked when I saw that it was Nicole. I only viewed her videos once. I did like her videos. I checked it. I was honored to see her respond. I read it. I was not sure if I was going to respond. It was thoughtful. I appreciated that she wrote to me.
I was not going to respond to her. I was going to move on. I had forgotten about it. One day I felt that I needed to respond. I wrote a short note.
"Hello Nicole, I appreciate you reaching out to me. I appreciate your music and your heart. It is nice to see that not everyone in your generation has bowed the knee to bail. Don't lose heart. Don't give up. In Christ pastor grant." I wrote.
- I was so excited to get his response. When I read it, I was a bit underwhelmed. It kinda read like a form letter. One of those you have your secretary write then you sign your name to it. he assured me he wrote it himself. He called himself a pastor grant.
I was disappointed. I don't know what I was thinking would happen. More than what did. I figured I should end it there. Move on. I decided to write back.
"Dear mathew, I am so glad you wrote back. How are you doing? It must be hard raising three daughters while in mourning. You seem to do well. I appreciate your ministry. In Christ nicky"
- i saw her message. I was a little annoyed. i felt that we should probably not chat. I decided to check out the message. I debated rather or not to respond but I decided to write back.
"Dear Nicole thank you for writing back. thanks for asking I am doing much better now. I was in shock when it first happened. I was numb for a long time. I would go from nothing to feeling nothing Some days I was so sad. I am doing better now. I have good days and bad days. Lately, I have had more good days. My daughters have been a blessing. They are quite an encouragement.
My church is a little different than yours. We are independent fundamental baptists. We only use King James. We believe that the textus receptors are superior to the Alexandrian text for several reasons. We believe in separation. It was good to hear from your pastor grant"
- he opened up in this message. I imagine that he kept things to himself. I doubted he was an open book. It was nice that he opened up like this. This was a tremendous gift. I don't know if he planned to do that but he did.
I decided to write back. I was not going to let this opportunity go by. I wrote back again. "Dear mathew, thank you for getting back to me. I appreciate your honesty. I know this was difficult. I appreciate how you have handled this. I appreciate that you have drawn closer to the lord not away from him. Your kids seem great. They seem like a blessing. They speak well of your late wife. I can tell she was a great mom. "
"My dad is the pastor of our church. Our church is incorporated as a baptist church. We are officially a faith baptist community church but we go by a faith community church. We are what some would call a mega-church. We are one of the biggest in the state. We are more evangelical. My dad preaches from the ESV. I read from the n.l.t. looking at your church's doctrinal statement, we are pretty similar. Our differences are on separation and bible versions. We believe that tounges may be for today. In Christ nicky"
- I thought our conversation would end. Of course, there was another message. I felt a bit uneasy about continuing the interaction but I sent the message. This was not like me. I had never done this.
"Dear Nicole, I praise God for the girls. They have been such a blessing. I have raised them in a way I think leane would want me to. Casey is my mini-me. she is a daddy's girl. She is my helper. she is a natural leader. She has stepped up. "
"Macey looks like her mom. Her family can't tell if it is her or her mom when she was her age. She reminds me so much of her. She uses her mom's mannerisms. She is shy and quiet. Nina is bubbly. She is a little ball of sunshine. Always happy. She is really silly. "
"Esv? Oh! I am not a big fan. The ESV is preferred by Calvinists. It is based on what I consider an inferior text. Some of its translation decisions make no sense. It water down key doctrines. In satan's diatribe in Isaiah, the ESV translate as the son of the morning today star. In the second peter, it translates day star as mourning star. "
"N.l.t is a paraphrase. It is very weak. I would not recommend it even for devotional reading. Have a good day. I wish you all the best pastor grant."
- I took his ending as an attempt to end this. I was not about to let that happen. I was not considering a relationship yet. I enjoyed our interaction. I had never had a boyfriend. my parents did not want me to date like the world dates. I did not date in high school. i was homeschooled. I am not sure I considered matt as a potential romantic interest.
I find value in our interaction. i did not want it to end. I got the impression he did. He probably was not sure it was proper. Should a 31-year-old man talk to an 18-year-old girl? My dad knew about it. He read through our messages.
I was not about to end this. I found him very intellectually stimulating. I did not want it to end. i want determined to see it continue.
"Hello, again Mathew. I believe that your wife would approve of how you're raising them. they sound great. I am the oldest daughter but I have two older brothers. I am from a family of 10 kids. My mom is expecting. It's a girl. We are so excited. Ye's youngest is a four-year boy and a two-year-old girl. I love my siblings. I like kids. We are a kid-friendly church. I can tell yours is as well. "
"I figured the e.s.v would get a reaction. I am not up on the translation debate. I get some of it. We have way more copies and older ones than they had in 1611. Should we not use them? I do like the n.l.t. it is easier to understand. Nicky."
- I felt strange about our interaction. It was nice. I felt like I could be. I was not guarded. I did not want to burden my church or my family. I kept things to myself. I felt free with her. I was not sure that it was right. I had some concerns.
"Dear Nicole. Congrats on your upcoming sister. My youngest sibling is four. Her name is Gracie. Several of my siblings were born after I went out on my own. I too love being in a large family. I am from a family of 11 kids. Our church is very kid friendly. "
"Yes, we have all these manuscripts but are we more holy? It was the textus reception and the work of Erasmus that sparked the reformation, the great awaking in America, and the revivals in England. These new translations based on 'better ' manuscripts have not made us more holy. We have seen sin get worse and the church gets worse. The n.l.t is too easy. we need to wrestle with scripture. We should put work into it. Pastor grant"
- I figured he would react to what I wrote. I was glad he responded. "Hi, matt. Thanks. We are really excited. I can't wait to meet her. I am excited to see them grow up. My little sister kinsy loves music already. I love being a big sister. "
"I don't know that you can blame the sake of the world or the church on the Alexandria text. There are some concerning things in the textus receptus. I guess I can see to it point on the n.l.t. I had not thought of it that way. "
- I quickly responded to her. "We can clearly see that things went downhill around the time of textual criticism. It began as a quest to find the best text. It led to higher criticism and studied unbelief. This led to Darwin's origin of the species. This led to secularization of the culture and government. This led to where we are today. You really should use a different translation for your devotions."
- I figured he would react strongly. This did seem like the beginning of something.