


The story is completely fictional, if you are a fan of Marvel DC or any Anime content then I hope you will enjoy this story,and please complete previous chapter before coming into this! if you find any kind of mistakes then please inform me so that I can rectify it!!



Sorren : 997
Elias : 998
Sorren : 999
Elias : 1000
Sorren : ahh... today's push up course completed!! you know Gin and Okkoe can do 2000 thousand push-ups in just 10 min!!
Elias : haaaaaaaaaa...and it took us to do 1000 push -ups in 40 minutes!
Sorren : Both of them are in Grade Sigma!!
Elias : but you said that 3 people are in Sigma!!
Sorren : yep,but I didn't know much about Babel, he seems to be so strong, sensei Yamgishi trust him because of his wise decisions, but i don't know why I can't trust him!! may be it's because of my Mafia instict that let me not to believe in some people!!
Riona : oye you two idiots!! stop standing there, give some hands !! and you perv!! stop looking towards my legs and bring me a bouquet of water!!
Elias : ohh... that's the narrator!! why don't nobody respect him!!
Sorren : due that idiot I am just decorating this entire mountain for a single night celebration!! let's go we have to do a lot of works!!
Elias : ( while Elias and Sorren painting the walls, Elias senses an calm aura, which gives the vibes of loyalty and peace)
Sorren : that's "Okkoe Hasimotto"
Elias : (Elias just looked backward,and saw a shiny face with golden hair and brown eyes and a pony tail, dressed like a royal guard taking two swords at his back)one of the clan who founded the "rhythm techniques"!!
Sorren : hmm..he is an off season!! and he is one of those two who have completed the base training in just 15 days!! you know he also have named his swords "Amis" and "Piers"!!
Elias : are those swords so powerful??
Sorren : yep you can say that!! but weapons are the key to channelise the power and that guy posses a lot of it!! even Master Yamagishi say's he have the potential to be an Ultra Pro one day!!
Sorren : good morning Okkoe-san!!
Okkoe : (with a calm voice) good morning!! ohh you are the new guy!! what's your name??
Elias : I'm Elias!!
Okkoe : I have got a lot of work to do!! I'm leaving!! see you in the festival!
Sorren : he was a royal guard of King of "Hasimotto"! and the King of "Hasimotto was a student of sensei Yamagishi!!
Elias : haaa....how old is sensei??
Sorren : don't know!! it's still a mystery!
Elias : why didn't he make the king more stronger instead of training a royal guard!
Sorren : yeah!! I got the same question in my mind!! then I got to know that sensei is collecting a lot of strong people because he believes a Ragnarok will begin soon!!
Elias : Ragnarok??
Sorren : don't know!! I'm still new to this place,may the "Sigma's" know about everything!!
Elias : why don't we ask them!!
Sorren : but they won't speak a single thing instead of sensei's permission so it's a waste!!
Elias : ohhh!! let sensei return I will ask him on my own!! but before that say me something more about"Okkoe Hasimotto"
Sorren : So in a search of strong people sensei went to the "kingdom of Hasimotto"!!
Elias : what happened there??
Sorren : why don't you ask that brat(to narrator)! he knows everything in details!
Elias : but you said he isn't an important person!!
Sorren : he still isn't an important one but he explains in a good way
Narrator : you like me Sorren!! you like me Sorren!!
Sorren : go to hell idiot!! and say Elias everything!! Kale called me for some help!!

Narrator :Yamagishi challenged the king for a death match!!but the ministry of Hasimotto asked for reason because the king was one of the beloved student of Yamagishi!! Yamagishi replied that as he is his teacher so he have the right to see how much his student have progressed on his own!! According to SEF the king ranked 9 so he isn't a guy to be taken lightly!! The fight begins!! Initially the fight was normal but the things began to be serious,that match wasn't anymore between a teacher and student, it just turned out to be a match between two rivals,as Yamagishi an Ultra Pro so the King didn't have a chance against him in a deadly match!! The king was getting beaten up by Yamagishi,and the things were turning out to be brutal,the spectators thought that The king may have done something serious which can't be forgiven so Yamagishi is punishing him,as the Hasimotto are famous for their loyalty still no one of them just stepped into their fight and even tried to stop it, after the King their general is also so strong even he didn't stepped into the fight more importantly everyone is afraid of Yamagishi,he can take out anybody in their clan simultaneously with the king,but all of sudden someone from the soldiers shouted and threatened Yamagishi that if he land a single finger over the King then he will kill him, even though that soldier knew that he wasn't capable of even laying a finger on Yamagishi but his loyalty towards the king was the greatest among each and everyone present there!! Yamagishi stopped!! and looked towards that soldier with a deadly look and stepped towards him!! that soldier felt that death is a step closer to him but still he didn't even blinked an eye!! Yamagishi got pleased on seeing the courage of that mere soldier!! Yamagishi shouted "Leofwin Hasimotto"(the King) this boy is the future of Hasimotto clan!! then Yamagishi asked that soldier his name!! with a confusing voice he said....
Okkoe.."Okkoe Hasimotto "
The entire audience got shocked!!
Leofwin drank a tiny bottle and get completely healed up!!the entire scene was just an act, Yamagishi wanted to find someone who will remain strong even in worst scenarios and Leofwin wanted to help, Leofwin expected that it will be one and only Keaton(General) but he failed the King,He wanted to punish him but there is no one as good for being a general,so he chose a different solution!! Infront of the whole nation he claimed "Okkoe Hasimotto" as the first royal guard he will act directly under the king! The Hasimotto's never had a royal guard, but this thing insulted Keaton a lot because a mere soldier just got a post higher than a general in no time of showing his bravery,he was burning up with fire from his heart!! Yamagishi promised Leofwin that he will make his royal guard the strongest one in his nation!!Then Yamagishi asked Okkoe to left the kingdom and come with him, and with king's permission Okkoe Hasimotto joined"Blue Tree Academy"

Elias : wow!! Okkoe is really cool!!
Sorren :(returned after helping kale) like I said,now he had managed to get into grade Sigma!!
Elias : he must have trained a lot!!
Sorren : anyway let's go!!
Elias : where??
Sorren : to the base!! my sister want to see you!!
Elias : she is here??.
Sorren : yep at the village at the base, only students are allowed to the top!!
Elias : ohhh!!
Sorren : you know the people down there are so kind,they allow anyone to stay with them and treat them as their own family!!
Elias : (with excitement) let's go!!

Narrator : they both stepped down !! after his father and Brady,for the first time Elias felt himself in a family again!!He was happy!!

Sorren : oye this way!!
Elias : oye Sorren!! who's that guy!!
Sorren : who!!
Elias : (pointed towards a young guy with attractive face and white hair with purple eyes who is surrounded by 6-7 girls around him)
Sorren : (with exclamation) that's Gin!!
Elias : Gin!! the other one to complete the basics in 15days and he is a off season too!!
Sorren : yeah!! it's "Gin Fujii"
Elias : but why did all those girls are surrounding him!!
Sorren : don't ask me why!! because I haven't still figured it out!!
Elias : is he always like this??
Sorren : don't get fooled by his this version!! How much he may get changed he will still remain an assassin! thanks to God that he has changed and this is only possible due to sensei Yamgishi!!!
Elias : what happened??
Sorren : I will say you tomorrow!! let's meet my sister first!
Elias : Okay!!
Sorren : did you just blushed??
Elias : no..no..no...why should I??
Narrator : you are blushing!! you are blushing!!! I see your face gotten pink!!
Elias : damn you narrator!! shut up! or else I will quit of playing the protagonist!!
Seren : Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!
Elias : (heartbeat raised)
Sorren : yo sis!! as you asked,I brought that man to you!!
Seren : (looked at that boy with messy hair with green eyes,and dashed towards him and hugged him and said) Arigato!!
Narrator : (playing the violin in the background)
Elias : got his face all pink!!
Sorren :(while looking at the narrator) oye you stop it!!and you Elias step back!! and why is your face is all pink!!
Seren : what's your name!!
Elias : it's Elias!!
Seren : brother!!
Sorren : whaaat??
Seren : why don't you and Elias stay here tonight!!
Sorren : Nooooooooo ... you are asking me it's ok!! why he have to stayyyyy!! are you in love with him!!
Elias : (got pink again)
Sorren : and youuuu why are you getting pink!!
Seren :(with emotional eyes) can't I treat a person for saving my life?? brother??
Sorren : okay! okay!! but let me ask him!!!oyee Elias(with red eyes) you wanna stay here or want to return to the academy!!
Elias : I wanna.....(and saw a spider on Seren's soldier which is poisonous,and shouted) Stayy!!!
Sorren : whatttttt?? what did you say!!
Elias :(on second moment the spider disappeared) nothing!!
Sorren : I heard you saying something!!
Seren : ohh brother,he wanted to stay that's all,if you force him I won't talk to you!!
Sorren : okay!!

Narrator : that night was so sweet,both of them had their dinner together, Seren unfolded some memories of Sorren to Elias and many other things happened but ,the way Seren looked towards Elias,there was no doubt that she was in love with him, after that they both took a nap!!

Elias : (waked up,and stepped out and saw Gin is surrounded by 6-7 girls) what the hell is with this guy!!
Seren : (from the back) Good morning!!
Elias :(got pink and with a sweet voice) good morning!!
Seren : (saw Gin) good morning Gin-san!!
Gin : (just blinked his left eye) good morning!!
Elias : (got his face red)
Sorren : oyee Gin if you do that again I will kill you!! why don't you help others in decoration!! perv!!
Elias : Sorren!! we have to do something about this guy!!
Sorren : why you want to do something??
Elias : ..............
Sorren : you asked me about him last night!!
Elias : yeah!!
Sorren : as a Fujii ,he was also an assassin,from his childhood he was trained with extreme torture which is even though to handle by a mafia,when he got 7,to built him a powerful assassin he was sent out of his home to train and after 10 year's he just returned and found that his entire clan was betrayed by his own brother "Dune", nobody knows why this happened, some believe that according to astrology of Gin's fate is to rule over Fujii,but as Dune is the older brother he have the right after his father,but people also say that if Dune just wanted the throne then killing his father(the former king) wasn't enough to be the leader of Fujii but nobody knows why he just burned his entire family along with his father ,there is no doubt that Dune is strong, because from his childhood he always wanted to be the leader of Fujii,so he just trained himself to bits!! The day Gin returned he found his house was burned,he heard from his servant that few days ago Dune asked his father to give the throne to him but his father denied because he wants that his clan gets the best leader, among those brothers who proof himself capable will be choose as the leader,that just disappointed Dune because first time ever in his life his father didn't fulfilled his wish ,so he and some of his friends left the Fujii's and all of sudden yesterday the things happened!!..Gin got furious at the moment and asked his servant about his present address, after that Gin all alone went to the forest where Dune have made his new shelter!! Gin killed all his friends one by one without any mercy,he even didn't let them speak a single word that was so cruel, and finally he reached Dune. Dune asked Gin to left his place and he will forgive him,but Gin have only one determination of taking revenge, so he challenged Dune!! and to be honest Dune isn't a guy whom you should chalange,he uses "Aoki rhythm Blue" but Gin at that time didn't know any of rhythm techniques and not even now!
Elias : whattt!! he didn't!! but how can he still in Sigma!!
Sorren : it's all because of his assassinations skills what he just born with!! He said he didn't find any rhythm technique of his own kind,but sensei Yamgishi say's "you can't find your rhythm until you get serious about what you looking for" and that man isn't serious about anything!!
Elias : I see... what next!!
Sorren : what would have happened,he just get beaten up like hell!!he is stronger than his brother in raw combat but in overall battle skill his brother have rhythm technique so Gin can't defeat him till now even if he try his hardest!! after beating his brother he threw him in a river..and coincidentally sensei Yamgishi found him because he was on fishing that day!! he took care of him and ask him to complete the base training and he does that in just 15 days!!!
Elias : what happened to his revenge??
Sorren : nobody knows what just happened after he got recovered,he was a 180° inverse of his personality!! no one knows what happened!! let him,there just two days left to the festival!! let's go to the top!!
Elias : can't we stay another night here!
Sorren : No...we are moving now!!

Narrator : on the next day they, Pablo asked Sorren and Elias to help Babel and Gurren who was in the forest for last two days and preparing some logs.

Elias : Babel!! that guy you didn't like much!! right??
Sorren : I never said I didn't like,I just don't trust him!! he is a Sigma!!
Elias : what about that other guy??I just forgot his name!!
Sorren : he's Gurren!! He was in Military,it was heard that he works for Gord!! and Gord wants Gurren to join SEF!!
Elias : Gord??
Sorren : He is one of the Ultra Pro members!! and the leader of SEF!!
Elias : SEF?? you mean under which Dextro and Laevo works??by the way how did you know him??
Sorren : it's a family buisness!! and I don't know any details about him!!

Narrator : everything is mentioned in chapter 1....haaa...haaa..haaa..each chapter is linked...hoo..hoo...hooo..

Elias : what do you know else about Gurren??
Sorren : He is the adopted son of Gord, and Gord never wanted to risk his Son's life,so he had always kept him away from rush but he also had taught him self-defense all by himself,but "life always test you on the things what you care the most"!! like I was about to lose Seren,if you didn't have act, then she shouldn't be here!!
Elias : ( thought about his Sister)
Sorren : So a terrorist attack just happened and while saving a kid, Gurren caught by a bomb and loosed his spine,he stayed in coma for 3 years, in seeking of revenge Gord find that the attack wasn't done by terrorist but it was done by the underworld Mafia's so when he got selected as the chief of SEF,he tried to wipe out entire underworld,when Gurren retuned from coma,he got transplanted with prosthetic spine,but still he wasn't able to move hi body,so Gord asked for Yamagishi's help, because "Ophelia" knows "healing rhythm technique" so he send Gurren here, Ophelia treated him,now sensi is training and Gurren is doing his training well he is managed to reach "Boltz"!!
Elias :he had a tough time!!
Sorren : don't get sympathize!! his prosthetic spine gave him additional strength and is tough to deal, and if he mastered rhythm technique then he can reach "Pro" easily!!
Elias :haaaa....he is that strong!!
Sorren : I don't know what type of prosthetic spine is used in his body,it just made his entire bone strong,he can split a redwood tree into two pieces in just one kick!! ohh call of the devil, there is Gurren!! good morning Gurren!!
Elias : (saw a boy is cutting a tree and he had a lot of cut marks in his body)
Gurren : ohh... good morning Sorren! You must be the new guy! I'm Gurren!!
Elias : I'm Elias!!
Gurren : let's go!! lend me your hands boys!! we have a lot of woods to carry!
Babel : Oyii...oyii..are you all leaving me behind!!!
Elias : (saw a blue haired guy with red eyes ,walking from the shadows, holding a log on his shoulder,but he sensed nothing from Babel,it was neither love not hate, neither trust nor betrayal, it's nothing,he felt that he was empty from inside,that made him to believe Sorren's thought about Babel)
Gurren : No Babel-san!!
Babel : (to Gurren) not talking to you!!ohhh I see (looking towards Elias) sensei brought another guy!! I will ask your name to that narrator!! Let's go we have to take 8 logs from the forest to the top!!

Narrator : Finally all the logs reached at the top!! everything is approximately done, only a few wirings and little bit painting left which will get completed on the day before the festival!!all of them are tiered so they went to sleep!! let's see what happens the day before the festival...

Elias : ( opened his eyes from sleep,and saw Seren over him)
Seren : Good morning Sunshine!!
Elias : (screams)
Sorren :(dashed towards Elias room) what happened!!(saw Seren over Elias's bed and Elias was shirtless)(Sorren screamed)

a few minutes later....

Sorren : what are you doing here??
Seren : tomorrow is the festival so I thought I will present Elias an outfit which will match mine!!
Sorren : whattttt????why would he wear outfit matching with you!!
Seren : (with emotional eyes)can't I buy an outfit for someone who saved my life!!
Sorren : okay you can!! and don't make me emotional everytime!!
Seren : see you tomorrow bro!! see you too Elias!!
Elias : (with a sweet voice) see you too!!
Sorren : (loud voice) oye!! we have work to do!!

Narrator : finally everything is done about the evening !! everyone is just excited for tomorrow morning!! Elias and Sorren were having a bonfire and talking about random topics,mean while a RollsRoyace just entered to the base gate of Thale, without a doubt it was none other than Yamagishi!! Everyone got the news that Sensei Yamagishi had returned and he was very tired so he will meet everyone on tomorrow evening!!And finally the Sun rose and the day of joy began, everyone is having fun, with just a blink it was the evening,the lights get on and the beauty of Thale is amazing,the villagers arrived,the food stalls opened,the children's were running here and there,Seren and Elias are looking like love birds! Gin, Okkoe,Riona,Kale, Babel, Gurren and Sorren everyone is looking fine and dressed well,all are waiting for Yamagishi to appear,and finally the he just entered into the crowd,the people shower flowers over him,some of them kneel over him, definitely he is a great man! Yamagishi leads everyone to the door of blessings,he opened it and there is a tree shining in the moon light giving a Blue luminance looking so beautiful, everyone is just mesmerized by the beauty of that tree, Elias found his heart pounding loud,he felt himself connected to the tree, but later he thought this was just a huntch,and finally the rituals beginnings, after 500 years of battle between surface yeti and Valhalla a fruit just appeared on the top of that heavenly tree, everyone thought that the fruit is the blessings of Lord Thale,but the truth behind the fruit was known to rhythm users but they also knew that only surface yeti can possess the power of that fruit and all of them are believed to be extinct so they didn't took that thing that much seriously, after the completion of rituals,the door get closed,and the dance begins,each and every person there were dancing, eating sweets,Seren and Elias were dancing by looking towards eachother's eye's, and finally the festival was over!! everyone just returned to their nest and went on their dreams,but only two persons haven't slept that night!! they are Master Yamagishi and Pablo!!

Pablo :(stepping towards Yamagishi) master why didn't you take a nap!!
Yamagishi : (at balcony of that mansion)no formal!!
Pablo : you are worried about that fruit!!
Yamagishi : yeah!! it's been 500years, finally we at our old age finally get to see that fruit!! I have informed SEF,they will be here tomorrow,they will take the fruit with them and keep it safe, and when time comes,I will declare it's rightful owner!!
Pablo : you mean Elias!!!
Yamagishi : yeah!!
Babel : (was hiding and listen their conversation, and knew that why Elias was brought here)
Yamagishi : let's wait for tomorrow!!
Pablo : everything will be okay!!

Narrator : the birds chrip, everyone just waked up and just getting prepared for their day to day schedule!! The students are just warming up to begin their training, Elias and Sorren are doing push-ups and next to them is a well and Pablo was taking water out of it!! meanwhile a strange man with red hair and red eyes with a red outfit walking through the village and heading towards the base gate! the villagers were looking in a suspicious eye to that man but his aura is strong that they feel death is just passing through the village,that man just breaked the base gate with one push!!Pablo felt something unusual! After entering to the base of "Thale" he just looked above, and exerted an emense force through his leg and within 9-10 jumps he just reached at the top!!The moment he reached, Pablo released the rope and turned around, Sorren and Elias just stopped and looked up....

Pablo : (with a serious look) who are you sir!!
Strange guy :oh-hai-oo
Sorren : he's ZEPRE.......

by P.S.Bidhan Kumar

Narrator : I hope you liked this part,next part is coming soon with so much drama and adventure,till then stay tuned!!