

Your friend
My introvert friend I know your problem being an introvert or living a life as an introvert is really not that easy. we have to listen different things from different peoples like hey why you don't hangout with us after school, why you don't talk, stop giving smile come on talk. And that awkward moment when we lost in our world and a person is talking with us. everyone think we are rude, selfish. they never try to understand us. yes sometimes we have trust issues please don't force us to share our secrets our private life. we also want to laugh with a crowd but what to do we don't get a joke easily. we cry alone we laugh on our own joke yes we are mad we talk to ourselves. we are lost, we daydream a lot. please try to understand we can't be like you. we enjoy our own company we don't share our problems it doesn't mean we are living easy life.
we also face difficulties.
we are scared about people whom we with are, are they trustable or not. we have lots of thoughts.
and if an introvert is an reader or writer so it's very common for them to got lost in there daydreaming. we like doing daydreaming because we can control everything in that.
Hope my introvert friends can relate it there could be somethings that are missing because writing about introvert may need a whole year.
Thanks for reading 😊
follow me for part 2 🤗 .....
© mayoko #Yourfriend