

Third part
Lunch Time..

Mariah sitting with her best friend (Fabie)on a table in cafeteria and suddenly Marcus and Kenny past by!!

Mariah quickly puts her head down not to get noticed

Fabie. : what are you doing?

Mariah: nothing

Fabie. : are you sure

Mariah : yeah

Since they are best friend Fabie knows every aspect about Mariah

Fabie. : you got feelings for one of them boys that just passed? or something else

Mariah.: why are you saying.. that's my first day here

Fabie. : but you could have met one of them earlier

Mariah : no

Fabie. : you want me to go to them?

Mariah : you don't even know them

Fabie. : that's why I'm going to them

Mariah : let's go find out that I don't know them

Mariah and Fabie went to their table

Fabie. : hi guys

Marcus: how may I help you

Fabie : I was wondering if I and my friend could sit here

Marcus : please be comfortable

Fabie. : thank you 😊...my name is Fabie and this is Mariah

Marcus : I'm Marcus and that's my friend Kenny

Fabie. : nice to meet you guys

Marcus : same goes for you too

Fabie. : I came here because I caught my friend my Friend staring at one of you

Kenny.: that must have been a coincidence

Mariah: didn't I tell you..we didn't know each other

Fabie. : you guys are cute I don't think it was a coincidence at all

Marcus: thanks.. that's a very good compliment

Mariah : fabie can we go?

Kenny : hope we see each other again

Fabie. : I hope so

Fabie and Mariah left

Marcus. : I like the one called Mariah

Kenny. : she likes perverts

Marcus. : she did not mean it

Kenny. : you never know

Marcus. : aren't you interested in any of them at all

Kenny. : nope

Marcus.: why not

Kenny. : I don't trust girls. it would be a shame if I ever fell in love again

Marcus's thoughts( maybe this has something to with his past I'm gonna let this go)

Marcus : well I can't blame your decisions

Everybody started running outside

Kenny : what's going on

Marcus : I have no idea we should go see

character traits:
Fabie : hot

to be continued......