

If we look today, we compare in every person or everywhere. This thing is better than this and this person is better than this. We compare in many ways. This thing in life, if it affects anyone the most, it is the student. Life .Even if a student works hard in life and brings results, his happiness turns into sorrow only when we tell him that the result is better than you. This boy is smarter than you. Friends, this is why we are doing this. That the child who brings less results brings more and he moves forward in life and he also gets good result and the parents of the child also have the same desire that my child becomes smart and moves forward in life. But one true thing is It is also that the child does not even understand the tenderness in life at a young age, he has to face competition in life. Because of not facing competition in life, the child has to face one thing from childhood. Whatever the outcome, it has to face the competition in life and finally The only thing he hears is that the result is better than yours.
We say and believe that there should be learning without stress. The student should be developed in every way .But we cannot recognize our true strengths and send them to the competition .We deduct the true identity of our child from the percentage we get it The child who is behind in book knowledge is behind in every step of life. I am not saying that you should not compare the child with others to get more results. We should compare but compare in such a way that the child gets inspiration from those who are ahead of him in the place where he lags behind in life and if he considers himself as his role model and moves forward in life then the child will get 100% good result. He considers the failure found in his life as his own life and instead of moving forward in his life, the child becomes frustrated and loses his self-confidence and as a result they cannot move forward.
Parents should recognize the true strength of the child in life and motivate him to go on that path. The child should be taught the true and false of life. The child should be made to experience that he too can move forward in life. And can achieve great heights in life .The child should be prepared to fight against the difficulties that come in life in such a way that it benefits the life of others as well as himself. He also shows other people a good way. We see every time a child commits suicide as a result and ends his life. The only reason behind this is that the child does not know what his true power is and as a result he does not know his own result. He believes in his own life and he shortens his life by getting frustrated in life. One thing we always say in life is that failure is the key to success .Our great men have failed many times in life and many times success is inspired by failure. Obtained.
We teach our child a lot in life and always hope that he will get a good job. But we never give that education to the child so that he can get the true education of life in any situation. Reached a new height of life. We should teach our child in life what he can learn to build an ideal society in life .He can build an ideal nation .In a child's life development does not come only from bookish knowledge .Baby gets true education then When a child recognizes the society, makes a prominent identity in the society and with him the name of all the society and the country shines in the world. Will move forward and will literally turn from iron to gold. Today's child is the future of the country to come and our child should be inspired to move forward in life from a young age to brighten the future of the country to come. Good rites should be given by taking off.
Today we see that our child has a habit of mobile. If we give him a mobile phone, he will calm down if he cries anyway. As a result mobile phone becomes intoxicated and Mobile games are damaging our child's study as well as his eyes. The child's parents are always sad because of the behavior of the mobile in our child. The child at a young age because of the games in the mobile. Disorders begin to appear and their temperament also begins to be affected. Due to this mobile addiction, the child plays games in his mobile that are useful in his physical and mental development. The whole childhood is spent in mobile. The child is so addicted to mobile today that the child is not even aware of his health and the child is gradually made mobile in his life so that his life is limited to mobile only. Goes mobile. It brings such a change in the life of a child that a child can be mobile for even a minute Can't stay and make games in mobile. People know that we will make such games and only if we bring this new thing, children will play our game. That is why they bring such a new thing and make children intoxicated with mobile. Life stays in the mobile.
Misuse of mobiles affects the lives of children but there are some things that are also useful to children in life. Good satsangs on mobiles give good knowledge in the lives of children as well as education videos on mobiles It solves the problem of having a job or confusing them. As a result, children get very good motivation to move forward in life. Children's life has become very short in today's time of competition. Children do not get a single knowledge in the age of competition. That which works like nectar in his life. Children do not have the true knowledge of how to face children in difficult times and how to succeed in life, so children can commit suicide in small things or in small troubles. Choosing shortens one's life. In children, the only thing we remember in life is that the percentage you bring is your life and you will move forward in it .This is true but no percentage is more than the life of children .No one. The percentage that a child brings is not his life. There are many things inside a child that a child can make a lot of progress in the society and the nation by walking on them but we cannot recognize those things. Because we do not recognize these things, children find our words beyond their comprehension. There are serious effects in his nature which lead his life to a path where he does not even have the true knowledge of life and finally ends his life.
Children's questions are so prevalent today that the biggest question is how to get rid of their parents by asking them questions and instead of removing their questions, parents intimidate and threaten them. The kind of distortion that takes children away from their parents is produced. One of the biggest questions in children is appearance and parents also make their children look better than all other children and that their children are better than other children in their lives. And there is a competition to move forward in the society. Parents spend a lot of money on their children and bring them all the things they need. Their only wish is that my child will be happy and move forward in life. - The father has the same dream and the same hope that my child will be the best in life. But the parents sometimes do not see the result in the children according to the dream they have seen and the hope they have. As a result they give the children their hope and expectation. As a result, the same question in the minds of children Doesn't matter what life is today and what is the significance of our life in this. Parents always have good dreams in children but sometimes small and big misunderstandings in children put children in a lot of trouble in life and it is the turn of parents to regret going back. Talk is found.
We always have a question, what is the way to do this? How to overcome the problems of children and bring our child forward in life and bring him to the right path. The only way to do that is the environment of our home. Because there is always a question in the life of children that I say this If I tell my parents, they will tell me and they will not let me do this. As a result, the children will not be able to present their case to the parents and they will go ahead on their own. As a result, the parents will also get into trouble. Children are intimidated and intimidated whenever they present something. As a result, children do not get the correct information about it. Remains .Fear of parents is useful to children in life but such fear is not useful where children cannot express themselves. Children should not have fear of parents in their minds but parents should have love and good values. There should be a free environment for children to be able to present their case. Rather than intimidating or threatening me, I need to be guided by the good and the bad of what the children are saying. They should be made to understand what is true and what is wrong with the children they are talking about. The child should be told. Children should also be like a friend with fear so that the child can say everything on his own.
Our child is the bright future of our country and our child has many times more power like other children. If parents recognize this power in children, then children develop very well. Our great men are the ones who make our life useful and The thing that gives success in life should be inculcated in our children. It is also a special thing that children should not say any bad words. Some parents use bad words against their children and as a result the child also learns that and We say that it is the fault of our child but in some things it is also the fault of the parents the result of which the children have to suffer. No one should be insulted in front of the children as only our child can get the true understanding and learning of life from us. Is. We tell our children about our great men in life and the child considers them as their role model and moves on in life but in some stories children should also be told about the struggles we have had in life and our inspiring example should be told to our children who It becomes useful in life and the life of our children becomes brighter along with our life.
One thing we should always remember is that our child is our shadow and our child is our mirror. Therefore, we need to teach our children in life so that they can stand on their own feet and make great progress in life. Our children need to be taken to the path where we are identified with our children. The day the son is identified with the father, the day any son's life is successful. If our children are to be given good sacraments like our great men. If so, we too have to inculcate good values ​​in us like great men. We also have to lead our lives in a good way. We should always remember that our child gets the most inspiration from us and moves forward in life. So let us all lead our lives to the right path and the good thoughts and values ​​of our great men are useful in our lives. Let us make our lives truly golden by creating and we also give our children a bright future Let's take it and make our children the bright future of our country.
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