

Thinking by jennifer riggs

I was walking the trails today
My mind was loud
Then it calmed down
I always need a quiet mind
My medicine has been
Working good and the skitzo voices
Are better are none to one every now and then so I'm doing better
And in a good recovery
Found a job and will start working
I guess my walking the trails does help.
It keeps me nice and thin and it is nice to walk.
I am going to enter back out into public and society to work, to work and make money. To provide for myself. I stay away from things that are criminal or that could get me in any trouble.
Staying on that track and going to continue that track during this time..
My time of recovery of grief from someone dieing and exiting my life permanent, while I maintain and the voices have stopped I have committed no crimes. I'm looking to get back to socialize ing again. I made who I've been talking to lately a pie... He nice and I like to talk to him. It's been a while since I've felt okay. And he makes me feel okay. My uncle does as well he compliment me.
First time in a while that someone had compliment. It is nice to start to feel better, and feel like I'm going to continue to and get my life back on track from being in prison, major depression, and being skitzo phrenic.
I'm ready. Ready to start my job, ready to work, ready to make my life better. And ready to gift a pie. Ready to not be so down. Ready for my life to get back on track.

End of writing or poem by jennifer riggs
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