

What is a King Without His Queen?
I needed to clear my head as much as it hurt me to fly away from her I couldn't bare the sight of her. It hurt so much to see first hand what I had done to such a strong beautiful soul. I knew I had destroyed her and I couldn't bare the pain I felt I had to escape it and be alone.
Nothing stabbed deeper into my already broken heart like watching him leave me again. It had been so many years since I had seen his beautiful face and I drove him away I fell to my knees and began to sob, I didn't know what else to do.
I destroyed my family sent my demons to the pits and disappointed Lucifer so greatly he too left me. Once more I was left alone and heartbroken. I didn't just want Lucifer by my side I needed him to help guide me. I was always my most genuine self when I was with him and I couldn't let that go again.
I knew he was still on earth no matter how far I could always sense him as if he were near. I ran off into the woods I had to find him before he left for good.
"Lucifer!" I called as I ran through the woods blindly.
I sat on a branch in a high tree feeling I was as close to heaven as I would ever get again. The breeze brushed through my hair gently and I could hear Lilith below calling out my name. I couldn't go to her, I could never face her again after what I had done to her.
For the first time in a long time I felt lost an unsure of myself. On one hand I could be by her side for eternity and on the other hand I knew I didn't deserve happiness after what I had done to her.
"What do I do?" I whispered to myself as I looked up at the dull gray skies.
Just as the words escaped my lips a small break in the clouds appeared streaming a shower of light onto only me.
"My beautiful son, you need not place so much blame upon yourself. Fore everything on this earth has purpose, every King needs a Queen." a voice boomed from the heavens, the voice of my father.
"Wait father don't go!" I called out as the clouds began to close.
"You have done well thus far, my son. What comes next is up to you." the voice said as it became more distant and the clouds closed once more.
I sat up in the tree for a moment letting what my father had said sink in. My head was confused but as soon as I heard Lilith calling for me my heart was not. I dropped down gliding to the ground before her.
"Lucifer, please don't go. I'm sorry for everything I have done, I never intended to hurt you." she begged.
"Its alright my dear, you did nothing wrong. You only helped me realize where I had gone wrong." I answered.
"Please don't blame yourself for my mistakes." she begged.
"Your mistakes are my mistakes, I should have never left you. We have both made many mistakes but it is where we go from here that makes all the difference." I answered.
"Where do we go from here?" she asked confused searching for answers in my face.
"Every step we take begins with forgiving ourselves." I answered.
"Oh Lucifer, I don't know if I ever can." she sighed.
"You must, because what is a King without his queen?" I smiled holding out my hand.
She smiled back grabbing my hand and I pulled her in tight wrapping my arms hard around her.
"Let's go home, my Queen." I said as I outstretched my massive wings and flew us both to our kingdom of the dead.