

shadows of love 🖤
Chapter 2

Mr Zaa

The Airport was so big,and well decorated , from first sight one could say there was a ceremony going on,the numerous population was more than the total population of a village,with different activities,and everyone mind only his or her business.Mr Shenzei lead towards some men standing,real men of the society,the type of men you see only on magazines,news paper or TV.They were all dressed in suits.when Nyona and Mr Shenzei arrived near the men, it was Mr Zaa who spoke first.

" I am Mr Zaa the CEO of china Universal Film production (CUFP) and these are ;pointing the men

Mr Bai Mr moyan Mr Donald

Mr shin Mr Zhaozifeng Mr sheng

Hummm how would I ever remember all these names ,the only name I can remember is Bai , Zaa and Donald,and why are these men telling me thier names so happily, meanwhile I'm only a lowlife person that got the opportunity to come and visit china and meet with some artist that I read many of thier novels and became fan.My name came out on the Tv and news paper that I won a fan price and a schoolaship to live in china for 5months respectfully .The main issue of the schoolaship was for me to go and learn in few months how to become and expert in writing,but it wasn't possible because my parents were not having money to sponsor me ,so they just agreed in an agreement for me to be there just for 5months.The opportunity was such a good one that only a fool will let it go. Even if it was an opportunity for just a day ,i would have still grabbed it because opportunities comes once. My parents were so confused when I told them about my great opportunity they became so worried because they never knew where they could get a huge amount of money for me to travel .Most at times when somebody gets an opportunity or a schoolaship to travel abroad,if the transport fee is 1.5 million, they will have to pay at times half or 60%,that's why they were panicking.The situation was so terrifying that I had to call back in china to tell them I can't make it because of financial difficulties , added to that it was an unexpected travel.They told me to prepare just my passport,once my passport is ready they will tell me the date and time to be at the airport.

Mr Zaa character was so difficult to detect, because he has that jovial and happy face,he speak freely and happily.i was so absent minded that I almost forgot that I was standing with people. I gave a quick smile to Mr Zaa and turned to the other men that just introduced their selves bowed and said,

"I am Nyona , happy to meet you sirs"

"It's our pleasure meeting you"Mr Bai said

"Hope you had a good trip?"asked Mr Zaa

"Yes sir it was so wonderful that at certain level I thought I was going out of the planet earth,if not that I studied geography in secondary school I would have thought that I'm in another living planet that doesn't exist.'ehhh!! What was I even saying?,i starting crying in my head without tears .Mr zaa was so amazed that he started laughing.

"Young miss that was just in the plan so what will you say when you visit the great cities of china? "it was Mr Zhaozifeng who said it

"Yeah miss i wonder what will happen "

I looked at them with questioning eyes . Mr Zaa touched my head petting it and he said

"You are welcome young miss feel at home" i gave him a beautiful smile

"Okay it's time to go home" After Mr Zaa said those words, bodyguards went to their respective cars and opened the doors for the gorgeous men ,I sat at the passenger sit with Mr Zaa.the drive home was so smooth,I was escorted more than a president and a princess the cars were six in numbers and after 30 minutes,we halted Infront of a géant mansion.

chapter 3 tomorrow 💃💃

blessingny 💐🌺☘️