

The Stages Of Spiritual Changes
Chapter 4
As you begin looking forward to what's next, understand that it's the only way not to get took back down miserable lane. ln your efforts to learn spiritual new methods from your own perception takes place within you. Your very own mindset, the way you feel, how you value your life as well as the lives of others. It's your experiences and time that will show you how to use all of these things to tap into the universe, to be relieved of its curse since birth. You will see yourself making smarter choices based on your spiritual new methods of choices. It also will help you to make less mistakes and/or you'll have less regrets of what you do, say, feel and think. Yes, I do believe that life is very tricky but don't be fooled by the negative side of life. It's in all of us, yet the difference is not what you do but how you do it. Would you say that you see yourself spiritually alive or spiritually dead? It's real and highly likely that most people are breathing yet walking spiritually dead. It's a state of mind where you are not in spiritual new form of being spiritually intelligent. This goes along with the common notions of Life due to the fact that we don't know of our true identity, what we are truly capable of, where we came from or where we go from here. There is so much that we don't know but once I started getting the facts I became SOLD on the truth and what the truth had to say and do for me. Due to such matters these things can reduce the chances of people dying at a early age. I know that I'm still alive because of it. My grandmother Mrs. Henrietta Carr R.I.P died at 103 years old. (Power of Prayer)...
Like I said it's going to be up to you to find out the truth as you see and believe it. The thing is it's many sides of the truth. You as a individual have a right of ownership to believe how you believe. The same goes for others and what they choose to believe. Thinking spiritually alive will increase your spiritual abilities. Seriously fact check what's being said to you in order to be lead by its Divine guidance. I was spiritually dead with no knowledge of the spiritual being that lived within me. I asked my daughter when she was 10 years old where she live? Her response when I asked her was that she lived on Donna Street. When I asked other people they too would say their address. When in fact we live on the inside of our body where our actual life takes its course. The difference is in our thinking, how we feel, what we say and do as far as our behavior/thinking patterns. Do you agree or you disagree with that?
Moving forward, I honestly was ready to give up when I my writings. My hope came back when my brother found some of them, but they was water damaged and barely eligible to read. I managed to put the hurt/pain I felt aside and started the process of rewriting my books. I felt it had to be done knowing the power in them(Spiritually speaking)... Anyways, I recall when I was 17 years old me asking out loud "God," if you are real I want to know who you are. Today I believe that it's my perception personally within the relationship that I have with the universe. My mind, body and spirit as 1 in 3 parts. Also with my connection to the Earth. If these things are for me then who or what can be against me? Yet with all these man-made drugs and diseases coming from having sex with dead bodies as well as how people treat they self and others how could it not be someone or something against(us)me? 2 sides 2 every story as flesh/Spirit(which is in conflict each other). You cannot afford to be in denial of the fact that you too live or rather should I say lived devil backwards. It's the good and the bad entities that lies within us. Not only that, it's what we choose to allow inside of us as far as food, drugs, alcohol, what we listen to, sex, and what we believe etc... I can go on and on. You see for yourself how the world is. Filled up with disasters and ungodly perverted things, as well as Spiritual miracles that we see. This why it's up to you not to allow those things distract you from your prioritized purpose. Don't keep putting yourself in harm's way. Be thankful for the here and now also for the new person you're inspiring yourself to be. Avoid giving yourself a reason to be the way you used to be, I'm sure you too was a hot mess. All due to what we were taught to believe and how we were misled by materialistic things as well as money and power. These things also cause pain, misery and stress in your life. But as a trans person, you spiritually live on the inside and you no longer allow the outside to rule you. (that's the goal) Beaware that you are a living sacrifice purposely saved by grace. You have 2 eyes to see it in your face when you look into your spiritual self. You have 20/20 spiritual vision, it's how you know and make spiritual decisions. Your 3rd eye is your actual brain that's being trained by way of a spiritual life force. It's best to use your spiritual imagination in order for it to increase and manifest in your life. These things help you to gain a spiritual mind in order for you to combine with other likewise people. The Stages Of Spiritual Changes is often used 24 hours day, 7 days a week and 4 weeks in a month to run it's best course of action. If you going to live your life, live life without strife without the (spiritually). It's the best way to live otherwise you're wasting precious cargo time. You do not have to be afraid to express yourself, you are free to be wherever you say you are. No longer do you have to run or hide or tell lies(only deceiving yourself) Who play head games with they self and have fun while doing it? Truthfully you can't tell a lie because you know the truth. Adam was A Dam fool not to follow the Golden rule, not saying that Eve was any better. It wasn't what he did but how he hated to be corrected, therefore he was left neglected. The very reason we have hostility in us. Eve accepted what she had done as wrong and became the living sacrifice to bring man kind back to the universe through birth. That leads me to believe that woman was considered the 2nd son that stole the birth rights from the 1st son. Totally what I consider to make sense to me personally speaking. Truthfully because I as a woman shed blood every month to cleanse my body to bring life into this world(was/is Jesus a girl?) My way of putting a stop to false teachings that the world wants you to believe. You can believe whatever you decide is best for you. There is so much left out of the Bible and none of us here on this Earth today was there back then, so we honestly only know what we know as our individual testimony. You are the living witness to your life that can truthfully testify about what it is that you witnessed. Anything else is just basically hearsay. Of course I feel everybody should be obligated to witness to the life they lived and live today. I understand how the truth can be used as a weapon, but it also can set you free of the bondage of it.
Getting back to the facts you want to renew your mind, body, and spirit on them. Rather should I say renew on the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God. Don't be stubborn if it's not necessary for you to be. Don't allow the rest of your life to be taken away from you by not being fully aware of yourself. Just know you are the road to life or the road destruction. Which way do you choose to go? Another important thing I want to bring up again is sex. You really want to see sex in a whole new lite. It's spirits in it from one body to another and it's truly meant for reproduction between two people only! Multiple sex partners is not what you want. Even though it's not back when slavery days was in, it's still slavery going on (just think about sex trafficking). If you truly value your life and the lives of others then consider yourself told. There is no real reason why you should even want to go back to doing certain things that you yourself say is wrong. You should be doing your best to bring about spiritual awareness to others that's around you and/or might not be aware. I just advise you as my reader to wake up and stop sleeping on the ways of this world. I consider myself on cloud 9, in line, on time and in the presence of the Divine. I just know we have been blinded from the truth. Yet the universe is revealing to us the Truth. It's up to you to allow the amazing work of the universe to be your guidance. Don't you see how you were called as a person that was forsaken and grieved in spirit? You was refused and abused but now you will be accepted and protected. No longer with the ways of this world have hold of you. You have been forgiven and therefore recreated to destroy the ways of this world within yourself and the help with assisting others to do the same. No more oppression, kindness shall not depart from you. Because you are the covenant of peace, you must teach your children these things and not feel terror because it will not come near you. Whoever tries to come up against you will do so with no avail. Consider this as your heritage because of who you really are. Do not take lightly to what's being said; you have to stop laboring for those things that can not give you life but have just enough power to destroy it. Diligently live for what you believe in while allowing your soul to rest. Revise your eyes spiritually to see what you can't see in the natural and incline your ears to spiritually hear what's not physically heard. Therefore allow your thoughts to be good thoughts as well as what you say and do. Whatever you set out to do shall be done and accomplished. Lead forth in peace and go out with joy to all the world.
As you can tell I'm not a religious person so I don't have a religion. What I do have is my own belief system that keeps me from the polluted things in my mind. When I first started out I didn't know what to believe; what was real and what was not. I made a lot of poor judgments, it was difficult for me to make good decision and it was hard for me to solve my own problems. They just piled up and turned out however they did. I didn't have a plan, nothing to look forward to. No goals, morals, support system, values Etc... I was a walking time bomb ready to explode at any given time. Totally unaware the deadly destructive path that laid ahead of me. I truthfully didn't even know who, what, when, where or even why. My thoughts and actions were affecting not only my well being but those around me too(in good and bad ways). My mother instilled in me that I was better than no one else and vice versa. I can't say I have/had high and/or low self-esteem. Regardless I still didn't feel worthy because of what I was doing. I didn't know how to identify or express my issues with anyone so this went on and on for years. To be very honest with myself, I sometimes still feel this way. This caused me to show a lot of anger, frustration and hostility. I was trying to hide the fear, shame, guilt, hurt and disappointment that I felt. These things happened in outburst or aggressive behavior when I felt denied, became impatient, felt unappreciated or provoked. I wasn't able to tolerate frustration, disappointment or heartache (pain). I often turned to drugs and alcohol. Then more guilt and shame came over me. A roller coaster ride that never seemed to end. Thinking back I stayed on restriction and I definitely got my ass whooped a lot. From the time I was 19 years old going in and out of jail/prison was a thing. If you can identify with my story you'll see that there is definitely hope for you.
Make this your motivation to change. You have something you can count on. This way you don't disengage yourself from the mainstream of the spirit. Stay connected in order to stay alive spiritually in order to survive. I am only telling you what helps me to identify with my problems. Once you identify your problems you can then work through them. By shaping your life as well as your intellectual enhancement with spiritual things. I encourage you to stay encouraged, take time out daily to get to honestly know yourself and the world around you. It's how you will learn to deal with yourself according(others as well). Remember you live inside of you and outside in this world. Hopefully that makes sense to you for various reasons. I really hope the best for you and everyone who means anything to you. Adapt to what is promised to you as the rightful owner of your life. You owe it to yourself to be the best person that you can be. No matter how old/young you are, your life is not over, said and/or done. You have much to live for, so let's get to living. Consider this another opportunity to turn in whatever direction you choose. Sticking to a plan will help you narrow down the search. Don't waste your talents and/or your gifts that can help you and others. You are special to this world if you believe you are.
© Love Unkle TT Jerrie