

One day
One day when we are older , wake me up maybe at 1 o'clock in the morning . Bring your car , I'll sneak down through the window , with my bags slung on my shoulders . Give me a hug with a bright smile on your face and put my bags in the car . We will drive to the airport , give the car keys to your best friend waiting there . Get on the plane and I will sleep throughout the journey , while you look out at the changing colours of the sky ( and maybe sometimes at me ) . We will land in Finland ( or maybe England , provided it's possible to go there without changing planes ) . Snow will be falling , we will drive to the small , homely , cosy inn nearby . Rent a room , bring some coffee and chips and we will look out from the window . Thinking of all that lies ahead .
One day when we are older .....

#poets #poetryisart #aestheticthoughts
#storiesoffuture #literature #soulmates #Finland #together #writer
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