

The pain you never knew
Some people doesn't understand the impact of their actions. You give them second, third and fourth chances and live like its okay, we're okay, she already accepted my apology. Yet deep down that person who gave you multiple chances still felt the wound while you just jump into conclusion that its already healed because she accepted your "sorry". You never asked her why she accepted your apology, you never asked if how she feels about it and you never ever bothered to ask if she was okay after your apology. You just drop and stop after sorry but you never thought of the long effect that it may have.

Sorry is a simple word, but it means a lot. Its accepting that you were wrong but it doesn't heal the wound that you cost. You stop trying when she accepted your sorry but you didn't help her to heal. Three years had pass but the wounds are still there and probably on its way of being a scar either inside or outside. Unfortunately, people judge you for being wounded even after three years or more. They never weigh in the impact, the pain, the feeling. They just expect you to be better because its been years.