

part 2 gess
I do anything for my children . as she walks inside the house she doesn't see anything she sees the light switch she doesn't want to turn it on but she does she doesn't seem to see any children she sees a door the door is cracked open that means someone is inside the house she doesn't hear any footsteps she doesn't hear people talking whispering or anything something swoops across her eye she says what was that it swoops across her right eye she's afraid now that someone is in the house with her she wants to know who cuz they might know what her children are the person is running across the room she tries to get closer and closer so she can see the face but the person slows down she caught the person she doesn't know if it's a male or female but she asks where is my children the person has said I don't know I don't know who you're talking about a mother says again where are my children she says the names Maria and Kyle the person says again I don't know I don't know what you're talking about I've seen three people walking you are the fourth but I've never seen no kids I swear you can look if you find them you can report but if you don't you get out and you never come here again do we have a deal and the mom says yes the Mom starts looking everywhere and everywhere until she sees another door cracked open why she didn't even open the door so she can get in she goes in it's pitch Black can't see anything. part 3 coming soon