

The best Proposal Ever !
It was February 8th, I was completely dead inside and after several breaks, my innocent tender heart was almost dead broken.
It's like I wasn't breathing.
My mind was empty and my heart was crying again and again, even after always having hope, I hold myself back.
I was a devotee, still I was asking God, why?? Why ? Why I'm always ?
After knowing the karmic cycle and knowing that I was suffering for the deeds of my past life, still I used to think and ask why am I ?
When will my sufferings end?

And he was actually talking to me through meditation and divine message.
He was saying, my baby just start learning as much as you can and start loving yourself.
I am with you and you know I am always with you whenever you feel breathless.
He wiped my tears and said why do you think you are alone?
The whole universe is yours.
Have you ever seen birds, animals, trees and all living and non-living things?
Have you tried talking to them?

Have you noticed love and positivity?
Baby, look at your surroundings, all are loving you and just try to listen to them if you can be able to understand them then you can make them feel that they all love you.
Why are you saying and thinking that you are dead?
Just because things weren't made the way you wanted them to?
Why my little girl?
I just looked at him and felt at ease.
I can't make him respond to my negativity, stress and suffering.
Because I was wrong I didn't care what I have.
I didn't care who really loved me and who was always with me.
I misunderstood them and ignored them.
Then he also did not ask me anything but said baby listen carefully to me.

I love you❤️
Did you hear ?
I have been loving you for many lives and I love you and I will always love you because you are a part of me.
Now it's your turn,
Do you want to love me
I cried and said of course my love❤️
You know that I love you unconditionally,
I know there is no question of love yet I always ask you.
I know that love has no conditions and expectations, yet I cry for confusion.
God said then
Do you see & feel me in yourself?
I said yes god I want to love myself.
please bless me !!
He said that you are already a blessed soul and all souls in this universe are blessed, but it is up to them whether they believe or not.
I hugged him and said thank you my love, Krishna.

He smiled and said just go baby,
I have given you this life to do something for my creature.
You have to.
Because by doing this your soul will get real peace and you will happily return to me after life.
I'm here waiting for you.

Now just go!
I am proud of you my baby girl.

I smiled and that was my favorite spiritual awakening through most of the pain and suffering of the dead.
That day I went to the mirror and looked at myself.
I just touched my face with my hands and said baby, I love you!
I love you unconditionally!
After that I touched my heart and felt the beat and said sorry I hurt you many times but I really love you.
I love you more than everyone and everything.
I love you!
Will you be my Valentine ?
Happy Propose Day, baby girl.
© dikshya