


See me son was sleeping, under
a pillow of leafs.

you should get up now, or you shall die in your sleep.

si me son felt a slight, tap on his head

si me son doesn't move a muscle

I told you from the 1st time, when
we last met....no one is above youuu, except for mee, and my ROGO SWORD!

Si me son is thinking, how his boredom, has just been answered.

as he continues to sleep away.

the beauty of my 👑, has been carved, into my sword of life.

Si me son, kick his leg and turns over, too the other side.

one soft rub from my RoGo Disc,
will bleed you to death.

Si me son bust out laughing!

you, ha!

remember me si me son:
I knocked you out: unconsciously;
leaving you unconscious.

your just a walking punk, bitch!

it's time, that I started playing muppet master,l around here, and let it be known.

that I'm, the one controlling;
the strings, too your destiny.

last time, I was nice enough, to only slice off your arm.

but this time..... I will slice everything, about you a part....from this jungle world, that you think is your heaven.

si me son sticks out, his invisible leg
and kick's, the WC into the 👑 Queen

she steps back: with her flower sword out: and looks' at: the walking cross and says:

are you going to kill him; or do I have to eliminate him into, the ground for eternal keeping.

walking cross:.
I think you should respect' the authority of the crown queen.

walking cross:
for this will be my opportunity,
to bootleg you, into a coffin

or i will watch you live, the rest of your life backwards, in supreme misery, until your death.

while you have been away,
si me son.... I have improved,
the strength of my, RoGo Disc.

your RoGo Disc!

si me son is thinking...as he stares
at the walking cross....

from when the walking cross, RoGo Disc had sliced, si me son' arm off.

ha. and how is your arm feeling nowadays.

it feels new enough: to beat you into, an outcast.....of pulp fiction.

👑 queen:
enough of this fondling around!

we came to tell you, that your wanted.

I'm the best blow for blow.....
si me son:  shoot's both of his flying fist:
at the crown queen,
and the walking cross.

the walking cross stick his RoGo
sword into the dirt, and pulls out,
two of his Rogo Disc.

yes!  you are wanted, by an old friend of ours.

si me son is breathing hard'
with his hands smoking.

all my friends, are sleeping for life.

ha.... maybe your right.

the high bishop, has an secret search party out,

looking for you.

the bishop!

is this some kinda trick !?

because, you are an walking cross.

but this time; I will legally, paralyze you.... for you interrupting my sleep.

and why did you, bring her with you?

does she knows the bishop?

no not of yet!  but she will soon,
meet the bishop

👑 queen:
are you coming, or do we have to,
force you to come with us.

I'm si me son... you: or us!

can't force me; to do anything.

neither one of you have the guts.

my rocket fist, will kill you both!

I would like to see the bishop.

I thought after seeing,
the condition of the old castle hill church, that bishop was dead.

and where's that skun: of a demon Blu ⭐?

I still owe him, a knuckle sandwich.

the last time, I seen blu ⭐
he was waiting, for the bishop
to arrive at the church.

so why didn't you warn the bishop?

do you think, that your any different,
than the bishop?

and that, I woulda' of have warn you?

it wasn't my affair at risk.

but now..... the 3 of us, will go to help
the highest of bishop's....to find that monster blu ⭐:
for what he has, done to our friend.

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