

In this word, fighting over the tyrant chains of patriarchy emerge strong, independent, powerful feminist figures capable of driving the journey of life on any rugged road. But what is the true definition of being independent??

Is it the ability of chosing the right to work for yourself??to marry the partner of your choice??to marry the time you want??to wear the attire of your choice??to eat the meal you wish??

Well being independent is a synonym of BEING ALONE. It is an acceptance of yourself, your strengths, weakness and the coveted desires. It is a state of having no expectations from others as you are aware that it is only 'YOU' who is capable of keeping yourself happy.

It is not just choosing a career for you but also to operate plan B and C on your own in case plan A doesnt work. It is not about marrying the person you want rather it is more about being resilient on your own instead of depressed and hard broken in case the relationship doesnt work. It is about clearing your own mess at the end without blaming anyone else for the decisions you have made....for the consequences these decisions have had. It is about acknowledging the fact that people come and go in your life but you need to stay vigilant enough not letting them affect you. It is about rejoicing at your success when things go right and welcoming the bad results when the tests fail.

Being alone in this tour of life shields one from the negativities present in the environment around you. The belief that your own self is the creator and the destroyer of your own life provides protection from being vulnerable to emotions of hurt, unacceptance, hate, sadness, jealousy. It is a spirit that infuses in you the valour to get up after a lost battle and to take new roads with the best avenues at your disposal.

The woman today is equivalent being a river with enoromus power caged inside. It is being a silent asset at one point and a turbulent destroyer at another. The trick is just to realize that the core of your robustness lies within you and we need to learn the tactics to channelize it. Its not the time of being a victim rather its time for you to emerge as a captain of your own ship. Its about respecting yourself, your wants and needs above everything else because there is no other motivation better than your inner self pushing you forward. Its not just grasping the idea of being independent rather it is time of being dependent on it!!