

All Over Again (Chapter 1- The fall)
The dirty dishes lay in the sink while the motionless body sprawled on the kitchen floor. The clock was ticking but time stood still, as silent as the last breath she withdrew. Her pale skin was still glistening with drops of frozen sweat and the tiles grew colder. An air of suspense decorated the walls.
"Amara? Why are you still in the kitchen this last?"
Her fiance, Percy, had come downstairs. As soon as he curved down the staircase, the sight in front of him got absorbed into his eyes. His heart got to her side before him, racing ahead. He could here the beat in his ears and his head was pulsing. His palms were lubricated in sweat and his eyes narrowed down as he fell outwards onto her. His first thought was that she just fell asleep, and all he had to do was shake her awake.
Soon, he got his answer.
"Amara. Amara honey please wake up."
He checked her pulse, moved her head to see her chalky face and slightly parted purple face, dark eyes ajar and pupils upwards. A single tear hugged his eyes as he shakily dialled 911 to assist his..... his wife.

Her heart was still beating, but merely at the pace of walking. A ambulance soon arrived, preceded by a parade of flashing lights. Percy helped hoist Amara into the white van, and sat beside her. The paramedics told him to drive behind the ambulance. In a daze, he followed their instructions, praying silently every meter of the road.

Amara and Percy first met five years ago, when they were both 16. Percy was an attractive boy with dark messy hair who came from a wealthy family. Amara was a smart girl with long auburn hair who came from an Indian/Pakistani background. Even though they were still young, they got engaged and knew to spend their lives together.
When they finally reached the hospital and white cloaked figures dragged the limp figure of a woman away from him, Percy couldn't bear but think of all the times they fought. How many times he'd made her cry. And after a fight, if he slept on the sofa, he'd come into the bedroom at night, when she was still awake, and ask her for forgiveness after hugging her from behind. And how she'd accept everytime.

The doctors came back. They spoke "Sir, your wife has woken up and will recover from her fall by tomorrow. But... she won't remember it, anything aside from her name, and basic motor functions."