

I am a Tree

The morning was cold but it will not make you shiver like yesterday. Seems like the sun is peaking but it's still not shining. All I know, I can sense that it's ready by tomorrow morning.

I look outside the window, the tree is already there looking and standing despife of the changing seasons. I saw it from being cut, drought and withered throughout time.

I'm just looking at the tree for the first time again and observing it just like the exact purpose why I finally look at it again, just observing and trying to understand its meaning. Then, it sinks in to me that the tree is really a life, not because it gives us its resources and air to breath in. But because it's the representation of my life.

The tree didn't get taller in just a blink of an eye but it grew in different phases. Just like us, at first it was having a hard time to withstand storms, but it adapts and as the season changes it finally can stand tall and learn how to go with the flow.

It doesn't break anymore, the tree chooses to go with the wind of life even it doesn't know the direction its branches will take. The tree trusted itself because of the experiences it took just to be able to grow fruitfully. The tree learned that it cannot escape the reality of life, because no matter what happen the season of growth given its strength to stand tall and be happy through it all.

Finally, I noticed the lower part, it's full of ugly scratches and different pattern, while my eyes gaze to the upper part..the branches.. it's now almost smooth, shiny and the patterns are not chaotic anymore. The uncertainties it took at the bottom is worth the beautiful branches that grew at the top. These delicate branches at the top might break or bend sometimes but the bottom already withstand it all, it will not tore apart easily..and if it did, it will just takes a little time to finally recover and flourish again creating and adding more beautiful branches.

- I am a tree.

© Melissa_knows