

Love in time

© Kanyashree
After Avinash rejecting all Nia's dress collection, Nia had to personally visit him. She comes to his office .Swara sees her .Vineeth " Are you Nia oberoi ?". Nia " Ya ...Came to see Avinash ". Swara " Sure ..I am his P.A .I will take you there ." Nia enters his cabin .Avinash " You ...Why are you here "?. Nia was mad at him but still remembers the words of her dad .She controls her anger .Nia with soft voice " Sir ..you rejected our clothes. May I know exact reason. " Avinash " I did not like it .It is too outdated." Nia was now out of control .But continues to remain calm .Nia " To your information those are the latest trending dress. Celebrities like to wear such stuff. " Avinash " Then go and sell them ." Nia had enough of it. Nia " Why do you always question my fashion sense .Last time we met you spoke about my dressing sense .You don't know how to appreciate people. What if I speak about your acting skills ". At the same time Vineeth enters. Avinash was shocked to see her reaction.
Vineeth " Actually he wanted something else which your dresses didn't have ."Nia looks at him . Vineeth continues " He want exactly symbol A in his dresses. " Swara shows photo of tattoo. Vineeth " Swara told the makeup artist who did this works in your company. So we came there ." Nia did not knew what to say .Avinash was still in shock that first time someone shouted on him. Nia to Avinash " You just want this right .By tomorrow the dress will be in your cabin .You just wait and watch ." She goes out of cabin .Vineeth and Swara follows her. Avinash " Did she just shout at me .How dare she And why will I question her dressing. We have just met once ." And sits on his chair .Vineeth " Nia .I am sorry for Avinash behaviour. He is straight forward guy .He just tells whatever he feels without thinking what people infront of him will feel ." Nia " Its ok .I can understand. " Vineeth " I just don't want Mr oberoi to complain that we brought anger on pretty face of his daughter. " He smiles and goes away .Nia loved the way he spoke to her .She started smiling. Swara " Vineeth sir is completely opposite to Avinash sir ." Nia " He is cute ." Swara " Cute ..Hmmm" . Both starts smiling.