

The road home!
Jennifer Wahlberg, was a freshman in college, and vacation is comingming up, she is excited.

She hasn't been back home in a year. She is excited to see old friends, her family, Billy.

Billy, and Jennifer have been together since eighth grade, and She truly loves him.

(ring ring). Hello! Hi angel. Oh my gosh! Billy I missed you so much.

I missed you too baby girl. How are you doing? How is college?

I ok, it's hard, but I am so crushing it hahaha.

That's my girl. I can't wait to see you Jennifer I've been counting the days.

Me too! So when are you going to be home?

I'll be there next week, can't wait, so excited.

Me too, hey babe, gotta get going call you later okay.

Okay sweetie, love you. I love you too.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Yes come in.

It was Hailey, Jen's friend.
Hey girl!

What's up Hail? Mr. Hanson stopped me and asked me to tell you to go see him today.

Mr. Hanson is the dean of students. I wonder what he could want.

Jennifer arrives at the Dean of Students office. She knocked on the door.

Jennifer come in. Hello sir is there something wrong?

No no nothing like that, I would like to say that your grades are remarkable, and you have been doing a great job in the faculty dining hall.

I have written you an accommodation for an internship at Howard, Brown Associates.

Wow I I don't know what to say. I'm speechless that is one of my first choices for an internship.

Well you really deserve it. You are a hard working student, and I really admire your attitude, and the fact that you are one of the most responsible, and respected students her at Brown.

Thank you sir, it is so much appreciated I won't let you down.

I know you won't, I have another meeting, but again congratulations.

Okay thanks again sir. Jennifer running back to her dorm room,calls her parents to tell them the good news.

Hello momma! Jennifer hi baby. I have exceptional news.

Let me grab your father; Henry, she yells. Hello! Hi daddy!

Jennifer, hi sweetie! Jennifer has great news. What is it baby?

Your daughter has been given a scholarship for an internship at Howard, and Brown Associates, for exemplary marks, and service.

Baby that is wonderful news. Absolutely! When you get here we need to have a celebration dinner.

That would be great, well I got to get to class. I love you guys.

We love you too dear. Jennifer heads off to class on top of the world.

Later that evening. Hey Jen, the PI BETA OMEGAS are having a party tonight.

For real, they have the greatest parties ever, and it's the end of the quarter, plus it's a weekend.

Let's do it! So Jen, and Hail get ready for the party.

At the party they see Chad, the president of the fraternity, not to mention he has a big crush on Jennifer.

Jennifer there's Chad, why don't you give him a chance. Hail I'm loyal to Billy.

Hey what happens in college, stays in college. Hail I'm not that type of girl.

I know, but if you did I wouldn't tell. Girl you so nasty, " both girls snickering in a whisper"!

Hi Jennifer, thanks for coming, glad you're here.

Hi Chad it's my pleasure, wouldn't miss one of your parties.

So you have plans for vacation. Just going home, to see my parents, and my boyfriend, really excited I miss them so much.

I know I haven't been home in three years, can't wait myself ( he chuckled).

So would you like to go sit have a drink, and talk.

Chad and Jennifer head to Chad's room, Chad locks the door. What are you doing? Oh so we can have privacy nothing weird.

So what's up? I realize you have a boyfriend, and I respect that, but you are so beautiful, and intelligent, and I can't help the way I feel.

Chad I know, and in a different time, and different situation I would be honored.

But I really can't. Even if we have a college fling he doesn't have to know.
You have me here, and him there. I totally understand. Well I don't know I'd feel weird.

I really do need you Jennifer, ( Chad caressed her cheek). Jennifer closes her eyes, then startles them open. Chad we can't, he wraps his arms around her, and pulled her in close.

Chad catches her off guard, and kisses her, but she doesn't let go.

All of a sudden clothes start being removed. Jennifer is to intoxicated, by lust to think straight.

The next morning, feeling guilty about last night, but can't tell Billy.

(Jennifer thinking about last night). Oh my gosh! What did I do last night. Me and Chad had " unbelievable sex", uh no!

This can't be happening right now; I can't say anything to Billy, he'll be hurt, not to mention very upset.

(phone rings). Hello! I my favorite girl in the world! Uh Billy hi.

Damn baby don't be to excited to hear from me. Uh no I just got a lot on my mind, hi baby.

"to be cont.