

Seven Levels of Ascension: Deliverance
"That is why I delight in Weaknesses, in Insults, Hardships, Persecutions and Difficulties. Because, I Gain Strength when I am Weak." Corinthians

"Blessed are you when you are Reviled. Greater will be your Reward." Matthew

"I Kill and I Heal." Proverbs


A #WRITCO Series




So, our Brother Samuelle had passed. And, a Soul was Saved. We Cherish the Moments a New Life is Born, but Groaned in our Spirits that it came at such a Heavy Price. But, the Love of Christ too came at an Ultimate Price as well, and we Thank God for His Willingness to give up His Only Begotten Son. Rash Hashanah was fastly approaching; and as a Parish, we were bringing in Bitter Herbs, Thorns and wearing Sackcloth. It was a Tradition we Instituted for the Sake of Remembering that we were all Born Sinners; and as Paul taught in the Epistles, we needed to Die Daily.

Our Foyer, Newly Named 'Samuelle's Table,' was full of Dishes: Potatoes, Meats and Cheeses. Sugarless Desserts and Peppermint Based Drinks left something to be Desired. But, the Celebration was Divine; we were in Unity Happily Celebrating This Day for the Lord.

But too, without my Parish's Knowledge, I received a Disturbing Phone Call Earlier.

"Hello, is this Cheryl?"

"Yes," I replied.

"I'm sorry to have to inform you," the response came almost as a whisper. "But, I'm afraid it's Positive."

My Heart again sank, as when my Mother and Samuelle passed. It just seemed the Enemy was Hitting from all Angles. I really could not Imagine what I must have done to deserve this Diagnosis, but certainly God's Will be done.

This I told myself, to Comfort my Mind and Heart.

"We do have Treatment Options," the Voice continued. "If you'd like to Hear them, we could--"

"That's okay," I said in Response. "Thank you for letting me Know."

"But we have ..." I hung up.

You know, sometimes it just hits you like a Gut Punch. And, a part of us doesn't want to even Believe it's Happening. I think that's where I was at this point, even as the Following Days led to Vomiting and Excreting Blood.

(There is no Scarier thing in this Life than seeing your own Blood by Volume in the Sink Bowl.)

But I continued my Routine, as a Good Soldier, in my Parish. We Sang the Hymn 'Are you Washed in the Blood?' with Tears in my Eyes. I started to Dance for the Lord, and the other Parishioners thought I was in the Spirit, giving it no Mind. But I knew, and Grieved in my Spirit. The Days following this I continued Preaching about the Power of Prayer, and God's Healing Grace. I thought 'Devil you're NOT going to Defeat me!' which was my own way of 'whistling in the Dark.'

Hanukkah had finally arrived as well; and as a Church, we did not make it a Demand to Celebrate. It was optional. Several people were Saved, and Healed during the Passage of Time between. I of course remained afflicted.

When I collapsed the Night after on the Sabbath Eve, I believe then the Parishioners knew. I was rushed to the Hospital and the Emergency Room.


Every Soul, and some I didn't even know, came to Visit me and Prayed over my Flesh. I Cried to Christ, thanking Him for His Wonderful Goodness and Divine Wisdom.

During our Darkest Hour when we even Deny His Power, it is He that Carries us. And those Footprints, once Traced, are NEVER forgotten.

Continuing in Faith, I eventually left the Hospital, Accepting and Believing God would never leave me Comfortless (John 16), and Praising His name Night and Day.

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© I Am MichAel