

I'm sitting on my couch in the living room while the fire place burns.
I see the flames and I wonder what it would be like to burn, I hear the devils voice telling me to do it, but I try to fight it.
I walk up to my bedroom to get some sleep, but before I make it up stairs I see my feet floating off the ground.
I panic and I look around to see if i can pull myself down, but a force throws me down the stairs. My body aches I seem to be held down, controlled. I get myself back up to my feet.
I go into the kitchen to grab a lighter and fluid, I look around my living room one last time. I see the picture of my boyfriend I love, but he told me I wasn't enough for him, so he found some sleezy bitch.
I cry in agony, while I flick the lighter to cause a flame. I know what I'm about to do, no one will miss me, I think while I stare into the flames.
I pour the lighter fluid over my coach, my floors and the fireplace. I finally rest myself infront of my couch.
I look up at God and I ask for forgiveness. I light my lighter and I see my house catch flames, I watch it burn motionless. I look at my pictures and I sob until I burn.