

How to teach children about the real world. | PhsyGo | Ellena Thendrall
#mentalwellbeing #childrenconcerns #selflove

The lockdown is hard but humane, We adults can deal with it like a needle in hay, because we've been through this and worst.But our children are tender beings with not much experience in the outside world. Our children must be taught about the real world, the world beyond light blue skies and talking animals.

Hey, I'm Ellena Thendrall, the head counselor at PhsyGo, Massachusetts. I specialize in helping children overcome theyre fears and anxieties and also be bold and beautiful and unique from the rest of the pack.

Due to the novel coronavirus,Children are barred from exploring the world and its many possibilities, the world is different from the time we came here, hence the attitude of children may change too.

here are a few tips on how to teach children about the new world

💭 Show them motion movies- Other than movies that are animated, show them movies with actual people acting in it.it.This can be comedy films with a bit of action sequences.
💭 Let them socialize- the best way to teach your kids about the world is to let them interact with old people or middle-aged adults, they're going to know more about the world by observing their actions and Sensitivity letting know about it more

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