

Great Lady episode 13
The next Morning, Eagle was flying in the sky. The Army was standing on vast ground. A mature man who was looking 37years old was sitting on the horse.
"I am waiting for your reply. If the king of Taiwan don't agree to give us 50 cities, then we will fight"
Another soldier said
"General it is not possible for the the king to deny. Because they are not in a position to fight with us "
General laughs loudly
You're right Zhang
Your Highness Minister Mao is there
said Nanyong
Prince Juan says
"let him in"
Greetings your highness
Prince said: come, mister Mao and sit there I am waiting for you.
"Today you will declare in court whose killed late king and also bring a letter of King as evidence,"
Mister says;
okay prince as you wish
Listen, Mister, Mao
you will be at risk.
I am sending some guards that will protect you.
Said, Prince Juan.
Minister Mao said Thank you, prince
Now you can go said the prince
Minister Mao with guards in his carriage were moving forward to the palace.
Here Hanyong and his wife reached the capital. They meet their son Nanyong.
Here in the palace, all ministers were standing in the front of King.
Here Minister Mao entered the court.
Today Minister Mao doesn't greet the king.
King was confused by the behavior of Minister Mao.
Then Minister Mao said.
"You are all present here. I wanna share a secret that I conceal from all of you in these years. If I don't share with you .it is possible I will die with regret. My ancestors will not forgive me. All were suspicious. Then Ministers were whispering.

Then the prime minister said:
"you all guys remain silent. say, Mister whAt do you want to say??"
Then Minister Mao said:
The person who killed the late king is sitting in front of you on a thorn.
When King listened to these words.
He stands up from a thorn in fury
"You old rascal, traitor do you know what are you saying"
said, King.
Minister Mao said: I am sure you forced me to tell lies in all these all years.
even you harassed me and my family.
Soldiers capture this guy and put him in the cellar.
said Prime Minister
No one captures him.
As the voice raised. All ministers and officials move backward to see.
There was a young man in Royal dress was standing in front of the door.
Minister Mao has solid evidence to prove King's crime.
Who are you?
said, King where are guards capture both of them?
Prince Juan laughs and said. I am the real king Of Taiwan Juan young
King remains shocked signs of worry was clear on his face.
You culprit said the king.
Minister Mao showed the late king's letter to all ministers.
When they saw the letter, the king's seal
was printed on the letter.
in this letter, the late king mentioned his 3rd son Prince Juan young as the future king.
Then the king takes out his sword and cried it's a lie its lie.
Then king and prince start fighting.
At last, the king was defeated.
All ministers were extremely angry with the king.
They apologize prince and they remained unable to recognize the real face of the king. prince Juan's young crown ceremony was held in the palace.
Then Di Lord declared:
Now the prince Juan young will be our King. May live long King.
Di lord puts thorn on king's head.
All ministers said, your Majesty.
King said
"Now enemies, are sitting on our door. we have no time for a celebration. we will fight and we will win."
Defense Minister
"This is a great plan. Your majesty is very sincere."
All ministers said:
This news spread all across the country. Now enemies were worried. Because King was a brave man. It was difficult to defeat him.
To be continued................

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