

Stars Around Scars!
Today after months i was able to write a bit! I won’t disagree if someone comes and tells me that still It’s him about whom i am writing!

It’s him both cause and cure of my heart’s pain, eye’s peace, irritation, anxiety,loniness,depression! And what not!

Now the question is how someone can be ? Or why someone should be the cause of both of our sadness and happiness?

My opinion is someone should be!

Someone should be there to feel the
inner voids, even if for a temporary
time period!

Someone must come to your life , whose eyes will tell you that in them they see the most beautiful soul in you! In their heart the only kid whose playing is you!

To pamper you , to listen all the bored stories of you, to care with love Just to abandone you in the end!
To pierce your heart with his careless words! To break your soul saying your the most selfish person alive in this earth , lastly to break all the promises and leave you back!

No matter how much you try no one gonna show up at the cry!
But still it’s beautiful to atleast have someone who can be both reasons for your heart!
They are the one’s who made me strong! Who made me learn how to love and how to let go !

How to survive and how to live!
How to swim and how to ask for help when you’re sinking in!
How to look at the moon to adore it’s Beauty and how to not mind the scars drawn around it!
How to love and keep loving even if they draw stars around your scars! 🌸
