

help me!!!!!!
The #WritcoStoryChallenge
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic. My eyes were filled with tears.the thought of what Foram had confessed to me earlier on lingered in my mind.
Foram and I have been dating for one year now.our relationship was a long distance relationship.He didn't like the fact that I was working away from him.i tried to make him understand but he still didn't like it.
a couple of weeks back,I decided to surprise him.He had been asking me for sexual photos and I kept saying no.he could go for days without talking to me and this made me feel so sad.
I got off work early that day, took a shower and took some nudes.i sent them to him and he was extremely excited.i have never seen him that happy.
I wanted to see that glow on his face everyday even if it meant going against my principles.
he kept asking for more and I kept sending them.
Today he called me begging me to come over.i couldn't because I had a lot on my plate at work.my boss had refused to let me have the day off.
"foram I just can't leave." I kept telling him
"if you don't come now Harriet il share your pictures to all your colleagues" he said.
I tried to call him back but his line was off.
the only question in my mind was, why would he want to send photos I sent to him in private to everyone else just because I didn't go home to see him?