


               BY OGBOWU PROGRESS.
Once upon a time there was a farmer who was poor and farmed for a living. He had an axe which was the material he used in farming.
       During the dry season there were poor yields of crops. One day as he was farming he dug out a pot, he saw the pot as a useless thing and dropped his axe in it and went to sleep under a tree,when he woke up,he saw hundreds of axes and wondered how it multiplied. He emptied the pot and put his shovel in it, immediately the shovel multiplied. The farmer was so amazed and then carried the pot to his house and put in eggs. Immediately there were hundreds of eggs in the pot, he put an apple and it multiplied a bread and the same miracle happened. The excited farmer went to the market and sold everything and made enough money and said "I HAVE FOUND A NEW BUSINESS" Than that of farming. The villagers were jealous of him and sent a soldier to spy on him. When he got home he put a chick in the pot and it immediately multiplied into 100 chicks, the soldier was surprised and immediately one of the chicks accidentally entered the pot resulting another 100 chicks. The soldier immediately went to tell King.He said?The famer had a magic pot that if he put one thing it will multiply.
        The king immediately sent for the farmer and the pot. The king collected the pot from him and said;it was the kingdom treasure.The farmer was very upset.The king said;let me take a closer look at this magic pot that will enrich my wealth!The king approached the magic pot and bent down into it the farmer said;my king....Be careful,please!But just then,the king slipped.He could not keep his balance and fell right into the pot. The farmer said Noooooooo! The king has fallen into the pot. In just a few minutes 100 more knows had formed in a hall. The soldiers were confuse who to obey! Kings were fighting each other for the throne each claiming to be the real king. When the farmer realised how dangerous he magic pot could be. He sneaked out of the Palace during the confusion and took his pot with him. He went straight to a river broke the pot in pieces and then he put them in the river. From that day the farmer's field began to grow crops again and the farmer understood that the land was fertile not by magic but by labour. And he lived in wealth.

                 THE END